#!/usr/local/bin/node var x = [1,2,"test"] [x,y,z] = x console.log(x) fuck lol worked for me cmon it works on my pc CMON ON GTRRRR im so mad good not good u suck perl eval me pl @a = ["1","2"]; print "@a\n"; slkfjghsdlfkjghsdflkgjh its working for me locaally 😦 javascript it is lol one last try FUCK FINE ILL USE JAVASRIPT FUCK oh thats root LOL nice username HAHAAHA like he did that thats so funny awwwww watch this work same command that doesnt run as perl ugh i cant excape escape no woudner wtf is this shit lol oooo havnt been on a freebsd system in long time it was on the thingy u echo'd ii member why wont perl work for me tho this makes me mad omg stop yeah its something on his end its right HAHAHAH found the bug -.- o i see.. fuck LOL WHAT WHERE IT GETTING ( FROM its so fun i wanna know why the perl is so bugged tho if u try to eval code with `'s super bugged hahahaha liek wtf is gonig on its running it nativly in the shell enviroment that shudnt happe infact this might be the vulnerability why ( so weird shud be there lol idk awk lol shit is too cool to be tru tho ... fucknig trolling me probably half hour lol i got mad sorry see echo is there LIAR!!! OOOOOOO I know why its ding this too im inside the engine with privs im sure fuck me sideways o that cud be why no shudnt be wtf oh ok ok ok ok fine ur so stupid i acutally had no idea not safe for work says google miles ur literally ignoring me ROFL ive tried so hard to chill with u and u jsut fucking flat up reject me bro i want to chill with u WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY NO JUST NO ON MY PC I GET DIFF RESULTS really amm i this dumb? i give up AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA perl syntax javascript fucked me bro still tho cant eval shit PLEASE MILES SMOKE WITH ME PLEASE BRO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS IT FEELS OMFG THANK YOU HOLY SHIT ahahah sick we can use his server as a proxy ... WHAT? %27? sigh kkkk nicee im trying to curl leathan.xyz lol YES YES I WIN YESSSS ... omfg fuck that i want leathan.com back lol i bought for 1 dollar now it cost like 10k i also bought leathan.net 1 dollar now like 1k leathan.xyz i like the most tbh .xyz is sick i love how it looks ... weird how much does that cost? or leat.han leat.han l.eat.han i buy eat.han and use top level domain l omg get a domain name bot command please does whois show u if domain is for sale? i didnt expired i dont like it tho i want leath.an gay cool i like ethan.codes i want leath.an fuck and leat.han and lea.than isnt the tld the first part yo o ya whats the first THANK U holy shit thanks was hurting my brain whywhywhywhy aww yes is the best binary on all *nix derivities i dont think it works with json like that oh yeah it shud i win data-hotel.net haha i go make my own ip logger then ill trick u guys to click it and FUCKING EZ HACKS brb preparing to hack u guys oh he doest reload server mubot die adding that command to yo fuck u mubot if i say die u fucknig die bitch ```// Description: // Kill your hubot on command. // // Commands: // hubot die - kills your hubot // // Author: // leathan // ``` now for the 1 line of code. mubot echo DAMNIT process.exit() fail ooooo 😃 i love being nub ill add that command good idea more aids never hurts nayone jelly? title - body atleast yes random colors lol not nice its stupid mubot wins ok ok fine no i win i want to win please never again cool fuck WOOOOOOOOOOOT sup bro Hello my name is abu u need help? 5 cents per day pls. yes yes abu very good compooter mubot email 1@leathan.xyz hi mubot email leathan7@gmail.com -s hi . . . l l , l l lllll . . . . . . <@!179568888495734785> u ditched me...? cant must blaze and code <@!179568888495734785> please <@!179568888495734785> mubot echo . WOA!!! WOA I SENT THAT FROM THE CLI FUCKING HELL YEAH . FUCK!#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$ YES YES HAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YES!!!! IT WORKED it is im in the repl enviroment that means i might be able to get extra pirvvys dude if u repl my mom pls tell her i sorry MOTHER FUCKER PEICE OF SHIT I WANT TO BE SOMEBODY ANYBODY JUST FUCKNIG UPGRADE ME u see that? `require('fs').readdirSync('.')` that replaces that super long command whatshisface was entering what was his name? the kid hacking at it with me? ```require('fs').readdirSync('.')``` <@117387722955423744> much faster version haha twas doing some fs = require('fs); fs.readdir(function(err,data){console.log(data)}; naw was even longer yeah rofl it was like super long but it was async too 1 liner async XD i spose if its a giant line yeah ud still need ascyn wait no wtf its 1 god damn line when its finished its finisehd rofl async is useless if u need to wait for something to proceed in async then sync wont slow it down I seriously want to donate to that guy who made that script and api and hosts that server its some seriously wicked sick narly shit , ., , , , ,, WOOOOOOOOOOT this is so sick bro from terminal im going epic shit bro i mean while it runs as its running im injecting code its too coode mubot math 5+5 mubot math me 5+5 mubot math 5+5 . mubot hi mubot mubot echo hi , mubot . mubot . . Can we get a bot channel again? mubot swap 1000 btm strat oo its up So to check arb we can do.. primitive but works mubot -b swap 1000 strat bts mubot -p swap 1000 strat bts or not mubot -b 1000 strat bts mubot -b swap 1000 strat bts mubot -b swap 100 strat mubot -p c 100 strat wow almost no arb :disappointed: Ew that looks ugly https://leathan.xyz Wow I found the perl poloniex api wrapper and perl bitcointalk bitmarking crawler code from 2 years ago!!!! WOOOOT! that api wrapper is dead handy I found the bitcointalk bitmarking scanner code and the perl poloniex api wrapper code!!!! Wo0T!!!!!! :-]]] you know what i really wish i had @dbkeys ? that script that i wrote to fork bitmark with like 50 diff configurations :disappointed: dbkeys found the bitmark custom cloner :slightly_smiling_face: !! https://github.com/ileathan/bct-marking-scanner, https://github.com/ileathan/Pfennig-Forker, and https://github.com/ileathan/Poloniex.pl all uploaded :slightly_smiling_face: mubot nigga YES FUCK YES! HOLY SHIT YES I need to be able to do this from cli u know what REPL is? im running it in repl mode and i directly just added an object to the bot global namespace and it works so coool dont need to reload code or anything OMFG STOP GOD DAMNIT FUCKNIG STOP MUBOT MUBOT STOP FOR FUCKS SAKE . . . . . . . . . . 😮 . . talk faster pls im anyliseing logs against soem new revusive regex top notch shit keep up the spam NO dont mention me tho . . o a . . . k that needs to be fixed mubit ping mubot ping mubot ping math 1+1 O.o oh thats 1.5trillion there can we get a bot channel, that way the only command ill run else where is the + one l . echo . mubot evall me off js