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And down they both knelt in the wet grass and kissed his cold face and stroked his beautiful fur-what was left of it-and cried till they could cry no more. And then they looked at each other and held each other's hands for mere loneliness and cried again; and then again were silent. At last Lucy said,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N]"Sir,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] " said the others,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] "even so let us do.""The cowards! The cowards!" sobbed Susan. "Are they still afraid of him,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] even now?""She is a perfectly terrible person,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] " said Lucy. "She calls herself the Queen of Narnia though she has no right to be queen at all,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and all the Fauns and Dryads and Naiads and Dwarfs and Animals-at least all the good ones-simply hate her. And she can turn people into stone and do all kinds of horrible things. And she has made a magic so that it is always winter in Narnia-always winter,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] but it never gets to Christmas. And she drives about on a sledge,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] drawn by reindeer,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] with her wand in her hand and a crown on her head.""Go on,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] " whispered Mr Beaver.Looking into the inside,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] she saw several coats hanging up-mostly long fur coats. There was nothing Lucy liked so much as the smell and feel of fur. She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face against them,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] leaving the door open,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] of course,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] because she knew that it is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe. Soon she went further in and found that there was a second row of coats hanging up behind the first one. It was almost quite dark in there and she kept her arms stretched out in front of her so as not to bump her face into the back of the wardrobe. She took a step further in-then two or three steps always expecting to feel woodwork against the tips of her fingers. But she could not feel it."We can pretend we are Arctic explorers,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] " said Lucy.Aslan stood in the centre of a crowd of creatures who had grouped themselves round him in the shape of a half-moon. There were Tree-Women there and Well-Women (Dryads and Naiads as they used to be called in our world) who had stringed instruments; it was they who had made the music. There were four great centaurs. The horse part of them was like huge English farm horses,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and the man part was like stern but beautiful giants. There was also a unicorn,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and a bull with the head of a man,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and a pelican,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and an eagle,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and a great Dog. And next to Aslan stood two leopards of whom one carried his crown and the other his standard.A howl and a gibber of dismay went up from the creatures when they first saw the great Lion pacing towards them,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and for a moment even the Witch seemed to be struck with fear. Then she recovered herself and gave a wild fierce laugh."Oh yes,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] " replied the Faun. "All the Buffins always were. One of the most respected of all the giant families in Narnia. Not very clever,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] perhaps (I never knew a giant that was),#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] but an old family. With traditions,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] you know. If he'd been the other sort she'd never have turned him into stone.""Ugh!" said Susan from the other side of the Table. "How beastly! There are horrid little mice crawling over him. Go away,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] you little beasts." And she raised her hand to frighten them away.Above the dam there was what ought to have been a deep pool but was now,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] of course,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] a level floor of dark green ice. And below the dam,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] much lower down,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] was more ice,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] but instead of being smooth this was all frozen into the foamy and wavy shapes in which the water had been rushing along at the very moment when the frost came. And where the water had been trickling over and spurting through the dam there was now a glittering wall of icicles,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] as if the side of the dam had been covered all over with flowers and wreaths and festoons of the purest sugar. And out in the middle,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] and partly on top of the dam was a funny little house shaped rather like an enormous beehive and from a hole in the roof smoke was going up,#file_links<>C:\555\ankor_key.txt",1,N] so that when you saw it {especially if you were hungry) you at once thought of cooking and became hungrier than you were before.