Get ahead with the times. . . ,I see, I also want Microsoft to bring Monster Truck Madness franchise back for Xbox Scarlett!,This or make a new Max Payne game. . (minus free-to-play Fortnite) In short, Epic Store is really just a last resort but at least games like The Outer Worlds for example, I won't buy it on Epic, I'll purchase it from Windows 10+Game Pass which is a bonus. Isn't that like the same every gen? Discount ps4/x1, they were weak to begin with. . Loading Video. . **** their moldy old church, and **** them. . Brees has carried horrible horrible defenses and unbalanced teams with to the playoffs and until this year, he was NEVER the reason we lost in the postseason unlike Peyton. If you love shooters, that movie was so damn good, it's a whole FPS glory. This build is targeting 4K/60 so I'm not too worried about a CPU hitting crazy fps numbers. Karma for destabilizing the middle east for bankster interests, amirite? No, it would be similar due to the structure. This isn't nearly that far off because in VR you only have to care about what the fovea sees, making rendering always less demanding in VR games. . Yea saw that, looks pretty swag. It will not be on PS5. 5'10" or 1. @KBFloYd: Could easily have been another man. Jays fans can get quite rabid. you've kind of just done that yourself Been saying that since week 1. Something wrong there. ,same for cows and the ps3. People like you crack me up. Higher framerates can be overrated. ,And we have a winner. You'll keep waiting. That's the sad truth. Most likely. The Knicks scored 122 points. Which has nothing to do with him becoming president, and all pretty much have a statute of limitations attached They are more boring. 7 Forums Off-Topic Discussion Ahem.... Fallout You seem upset at dictionaries. Bloodborne is on PC and is not an exclusive video game. Wut? Machine Games doing shooting better than id?Haven't played it myself since it looks too cinematic for my taste.DOOM 2016 was great, but earlier DOOMs were better. Not a fan of those arena lockdown events. I'm fine with some of those, but an arena lockdown on basically every enemy encounter? Bleh.,Wut? Machine Games doing shooting better than id?Haven't played it myself since it looks too cinematic for my are not missing anything for not playing it. its among the worst FPS of all time. i never played FPS that are this bad.after playing this. i consider even COD is a masterpiece compare to machinegames games.,among the worst actually. means one of the worst. ,while arena lockdown was flaw that may fix in Eternal. but it was nowhear tedious as Painkiller and serious sam. atleast Doom 2016 has great level design (fondry one is best). painkiller and serious sam only have enemies running at you. not very interesting.,serious sam also have terrible shooting mechanics that make it unfun. Doom 2016 has one of the best shooting in FPS ever. shooting enemies in Doom is so satisfying.serious sam large arena mean nothing when all it has it bland.,while arena lockdown was flaw that may fix in Eternal. but it was nowhear tedious as Painkiller and serious sam. atleast Doom 2016 has great level design (fondry one is best). painkiller and serious sam only have enemies running at you. not very interesting.Well, Painkiller was fun in the beginning, but I couldn't finish it as it became boring a few stages in. The rest of the Painkiller games seem terrible. Serious Sam looks lame as hell. DOOM has no competition there.,while arena lockdown was flaw that may fix in Eternal. but it was nowhear tedious as Painkiller and serious sam. atleast Doom 2016 has great level design (fondry one is best). painkiller and serious sam only have enemies running at you. not very interesting.Well, Painkiller was fun in the beginning, but I couldn't finish it as it became boring a few stages in. The rest of the Painkiller games seem terrible. Serious Sam looks lame as hell. DOOM has no competition there.other games are just expansion or HD remastered. yes painkiller was fun in beginning and i enjoy it but it was damn so repetetive that you are doing same thing over and over again. atleast DOOM has variation in levels. i couldnot complete it. they claim it as old school when it was not.bulletstorm was thier better game but it was ok. not very good.I remember people back in 2004 used to hate Doom 3 and called painkiller a real Doom 3 and i always laugh i mean really. even if Doom 3 is not similar it was tons and tons better. a quality horror FPS. no one can beat id software.,To be fair, Doom has a better single player experience then Wolfenstine and I ain't talking about the story either. Voted: Doom.,Well let me just say that I think that both games have excellent shooting.But there are a few things where Wolfenstein II wins over its competition.For one, and this is very subjective but I like reloading in shooters over finite ammo pools. That's why I like DOOM 3 a lot too.One big change the new colossus has over the previous wolfenstein games is that you can now dual wield any two weapons. So a grenade launcher and laser gun, an smg and a shotgun, anything can be dual wielded and this is great for addapting at situations.And then there are the big guns in wolfenstein II. Like a multi-barreled shotgun that shoots at the speed of an SMG.All of that makes for a very fun shooting experience, and I never tried doing stealth in Wolfenstein II,last gen has so many terrible FPS its not even funny. last gen FPS were exact same COD style. bulletstorm which was kinda different has COD vibe too much.this gen its all about open world and crafting which is boring too.,last gen has so many terrible FPS its not even funny. last gen FPS were exact same COD style. bulletstorm which was kinda different has COD vibe too much.this gen its all about open world and crafting which is boring too.Yeah, I've been trying to get into this crafting shit for a while now, but I just can't. Even the praised (and very cool looking) Subnautica bores me to tears. And Nintendo seems to be the only one (of all studios) able to make a fun open world game. ,If you played and enjoyed The New Order and The Old Blood I can only recommend The New Colossus.,Wut? Machine Games doing shooting better than id?Haven't played it myself since it looks too cinematic for my taste.DOOM 2016 was great, but earlier DOOMs were better. Not a fan of those arena lockdown events. I'm fine with some of those, but an arena lockdown on basically every enemy encounter? Bleh.i picked it up, wolfenstien 2, is under 20 bucks now i recommend it, give a shot. I agree with R4gn4rok, wolfenstiens shooting feel more crisp, the lean feature is also nice, duel wield works great, i prefer the shooting in wolfenstien 2, but i do prefer the movement in doom, doom is more fast paced but easier imo. The executions i think made doom to easy. After beating wolfenstien i feel doom is a little overrated. I agree with the arena lock down getting old. Doom is great fun but i think wolfenstien 2 is better. I put off wolfenstien 2 because of negative word of mouth and i regret not playing it sooner.,Yeah DOOM has this nice flow, where you are always mobile, shooting at stuff and puching bad guys.I really like the mobility too.,oh yeah lol! thats the intro, which alot of it is catching people up with what happened in New order (if they didnt play it). The intro definitely has the most cutscenes, this is basically before your even in the tutorial mission, after that, its no where near as bad,yeah i know but wolfenstein is worse. thats the point. far worse. theres no redeeming factor in this game. the level design suck, entire game is movie, cant decide if it want to be stealth or shooter. when theres action its all interrupt by shitty cutscene, bad story, heavily scripted etc. you can further read my review by clicking my profile. its a good read. COD games are not even this bad. last time i played this bad FPS was bioshock infinite.@jeezers said:you said earlier that Doom has a better story than wolfenstien so I'm going to take your opinion with a grain of salt, doom litteraly has no story, but thats ok, when they made the game that was obviously an after thought, which is fine, any story it has is just excuse to throw waves of enemies at you, doom is a fun game, but its "story" is irreleavent and might as well not exist. To say it has a better story than wolfenstien is actually wrong, usually id say have your opinion, but in this case your just straight up wrong.Doom has story, you have to pay attention to it. the lore in Doom is so much better than wolfenstein lore. just because one game has 3 hour of cutscene doesnot mean it tell good story. ,theres other games that give you option like Metro and it works. it didnot work in wolfenstein because stealth here is abysmal and so is gameplay mechanics. although shooting is solid but thats it.@jeezers said:@ghosts4ever: A big part of story is character development, get real doom has 0 character development, be honest doom is not a story game, almost the only thing i can remember was theres a portal between mars and hell, shit went wrong, kill the demons.for a story game, the story in this game is so badly written and dialogues are so cinge worthy its like written by 12 year old. who cares about BJ abusive father? who cares how he treat BJ mother? plus theres tons of cinge worthy moment like anya took off clothes why burning and shooting. etc.its not a game. its a movie and badly written. Doom is pure gamey game.Half life 2 release in 2004 doesnot have any cutscene but has amazing character development and story. to tell amazing story you dont need 3 hours of cutscene. window.amzn_assoc_link_style="color:#262626;" I've heard nothing but good things about Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, the only reason I haven't played it is I generally prefer 3D platformers. Will have to check it out at some point though. I'm also hoping they port Mario 3D Land to Switch because I never got a Wii U. Considering your user name, seemed appropriate for you. lol :P Yeah. Even if it does, it's not much of a dent against Nintendo. PC/Mac/Linux Society It's cute how you guys where just the same at the start of the gen. Oh dear, I hope you didn?t stay up all night crafting that gem of a comeback... ?? ? Move topic to another board