/** * Compiler implementation of the * $(LINK2 http://www.dlang.org, D programming language). * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 1999-2016 by Digital Mars, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(DMDSRC _builtin.d) */ module ddmd.builtin; import core.stdc.math; import core.stdc.string; import ddmd.arraytypes; import ddmd.dmangle; import ddmd.errors; import ddmd.expression; import ddmd.func; import ddmd.globals; import ddmd.mtype; import ddmd.root.ctfloat; import ddmd.root.stringtable; import ddmd.tokens; private: /** * Handler for evaluating builtins during CTFE. * * Params: * loc = The call location, for error reporting. * fd = The callee declaration, e.g. to disambiguate between different overloads * in a single handler (LDC). * arguments = The function call arguments. * Returns: * An Expression containing the return value of the call. */ extern (C++) alias builtin_fp = Expression function(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments); __gshared StringTable builtins; public extern (C++) void add_builtin(const(char)* mangle, builtin_fp fp) { builtins.insert(mangle, strlen(mangle), cast(void*)fp); } builtin_fp builtin_lookup(const(char)* mangle) { if (const sv = builtins.lookup(mangle, strlen(mangle))) return cast(builtin_fp)sv.ptrvalue; return null; } extern (C++) Expression eval_unimp(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { return null; } extern (C++) Expression eval_sin(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); return new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.sin(arg0.toReal()), arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_cos(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); return new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.cos(arg0.toReal()), arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_tan(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); return new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.tan(arg0.toReal()), arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_sqrt(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); return new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.sqrt(arg0.toReal()), arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_fabs(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); return new RealExp(loc, CTFloat.fabs(arg0.toReal()), arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_bsf(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKint64); uinteger_t n = arg0.toInteger(); if (n == 0) error(loc, "bsf(0) is undefined"); n = (n ^ (n - 1)) >> 1; // convert trailing 0s to 1, and zero rest int k = 0; while (n) { ++k; n >>= 1; } return new IntegerExp(loc, k, Type.tint32); } extern (C++) Expression eval_bsr(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKint64); uinteger_t n = arg0.toInteger(); if (n == 0) error(loc, "bsr(0) is undefined"); int k = 0; while (n >>= 1) { ++k; } return new IntegerExp(loc, k, Type.tint32); } extern (C++) Expression eval_bswap(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKint64); uinteger_t n = arg0.toInteger(); enum BYTEMASK = 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFL; enum SHORTMASK = 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFL; enum INTMASK = 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFL; // swap adjacent ubytes n = ((n >> 8) & BYTEMASK) | ((n & BYTEMASK) << 8); // swap adjacent ushorts n = ((n >> 16) & SHORTMASK) | ((n & SHORTMASK) << 16); TY ty = arg0.type.toBasetype().ty; // If 64 bits, we need to swap high and low uints if (ty == Tint64 || ty == Tuns64) n = ((n >> 32) & INTMASK) | ((n & INTMASK) << 32); return new IntegerExp(loc, n, arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_popcnt(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKint64); uinteger_t n = arg0.toInteger(); int cnt = 0; while (n) { cnt += (n & 1); n >>= 1; } return new IntegerExp(loc, cnt, arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_yl2x(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); Expression arg1 = (*arguments)[1]; assert(arg1.op == TOKfloat64); const x = arg0.toReal(); const y = arg1.toReal(); real_t result = 0; CTFloat.yl2x(&x, &y, &result); return new RealExp(loc, result, arg0.type); } extern (C++) Expression eval_yl2xp1(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { Expression arg0 = (*arguments)[0]; assert(arg0.op == TOKfloat64); Expression arg1 = (*arguments)[1]; assert(arg1.op == TOKfloat64); const x = arg0.toReal(); const y = arg1.toReal(); real_t result = 0; CTFloat.yl2xp1(&x, &y, &result); return new RealExp(loc, result, arg0.type); } public extern (C++) void builtin_init() { builtins._init(47); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow real function(real) add_builtin("_D4core4math3sinFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_sin); add_builtin("_D4core4math3cosFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_cos); add_builtin("_D4core4math3tanFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_tan); add_builtin("_D4core4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_sqrt); add_builtin("_D4core4math4fabsFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_fabs); add_builtin("_D4core4math5expm1FNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_unimp); add_builtin("_D4core4math4exp21FNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_unimp); // @trusted @nogc pure nothrow real function(real) add_builtin("_D4core4math3sinFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_sin); add_builtin("_D4core4math3cosFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_cos); add_builtin("_D4core4math3tanFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_tan); add_builtin("_D4core4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_sqrt); add_builtin("_D4core4math4fabsFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_fabs); add_builtin("_D4core4math5expm1FNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_unimp); add_builtin("_D4core4math4exp21FNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_unimp); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow double function(double) add_builtin("_D4core4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNfdZd", &eval_sqrt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow float function(float) add_builtin("_D4core4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNffZf", &eval_sqrt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow real function(real, real) add_builtin("_D4core4math5atan2FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); if (CTFloat.yl2x_supported) { add_builtin("_D4core4math4yl2xFNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_yl2x); } else { add_builtin("_D4core4math4yl2xFNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); } if (CTFloat.yl2xp1_supported) { add_builtin("_D4core4math6yl2xp1FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_yl2xp1); } else { add_builtin("_D4core4math6yl2xp1FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); } // @safe @nogc pure nothrow long function(real) add_builtin("_D4core4math6rndtolFNaNbNiNfeZl", &eval_unimp); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow real function(real) add_builtin("_D3std4math3sinFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_sin); add_builtin("_D3std4math3cosFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_cos); add_builtin("_D3std4math3tanFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_tan); add_builtin("_D3std4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_sqrt); add_builtin("_D3std4math4fabsFNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_fabs); add_builtin("_D3std4math5expm1FNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_unimp); add_builtin("_D3std4math4exp21FNaNbNiNfeZe", &eval_unimp); // @trusted @nogc pure nothrow real function(real) add_builtin("_D3std4math3sinFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_sin); add_builtin("_D3std4math3cosFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_cos); add_builtin("_D3std4math3tanFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_tan); add_builtin("_D3std4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_sqrt); add_builtin("_D3std4math4fabsFNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_fabs); add_builtin("_D3std4math5expm1FNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_unimp); add_builtin("_D3std4math4exp21FNaNbNiNeeZe", &eval_unimp); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow double function(double) add_builtin("_D3std4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNfdZd", &eval_sqrt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow float function(float) add_builtin("_D3std4math4sqrtFNaNbNiNffZf", &eval_sqrt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow real function(real, real) add_builtin("_D3std4math5atan2FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); if (CTFloat.yl2x_supported) { add_builtin("_D3std4math4yl2xFNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_yl2x); } else { add_builtin("_D3std4math4yl2xFNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); } if (CTFloat.yl2xp1_supported) { add_builtin("_D3std4math6yl2xp1FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_yl2xp1); } else { add_builtin("_D3std4math6yl2xp1FNaNbNiNfeeZe", &eval_unimp); } // @safe @nogc pure nothrow long function(real) add_builtin("_D3std4math6rndtolFNaNbNiNfeZl", &eval_unimp); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow int function(uint) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop3bsfFNaNbNiNfkZi", &eval_bsf); add_builtin("_D4core5bitop3bsrFNaNbNiNfkZi", &eval_bsr); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow int function(ulong) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop3bsfFNaNbNiNfmZi", &eval_bsf); add_builtin("_D4core5bitop3bsrFNaNbNiNfmZi", &eval_bsr); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow uint function(uint) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop5bswapFNaNbNiNfkZk", &eval_bswap); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow int function(uint) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop7_popcntFNaNbNiNfkZi", &eval_popcnt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow ushort function(ushort) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop7_popcntFNaNbNiNftZt", &eval_popcnt); // @safe @nogc pure nothrow int function(ulong) if (global.params.is64bit) add_builtin("_D4core5bitop7_popcntFNaNbNiNfmZi", &eval_popcnt); } /********************************** * Determine if function is a builtin one that we can * evaluate at compile time. */ public extern (C++) BUILTIN isBuiltin(FuncDeclaration fd) { if (fd.builtin == BUILTINunknown) { builtin_fp fp = builtin_lookup(mangleExact(fd)); fd.builtin = fp ? BUILTINyes : BUILTINno; } return fd.builtin; } /************************************** * Evaluate builtin function. * Return result; NULL if cannot evaluate it. */ public extern (C++) Expression eval_builtin(Loc loc, FuncDeclaration fd, Expressions* arguments) { if (fd.builtin == BUILTINyes) { builtin_fp fp = builtin_lookup(mangleExact(fd)); assert(fp); return fp(loc, fd, arguments); } return null; }