/* * Data collection and report generation for * -profile=gc * switch * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2015 - 2015. * License: Distributed under the * $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0). * (See accompanying file LICENSE) * Authors: Andrei Alexandrescu and Walter Bright * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC src/rt/_profilegc.d) */ module rt.profilegc; private: import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.stdlib; import core.stdc.string; import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError; struct Entry { size_t count, size; } char[] buffer; Entry[string] newCounts; __gshared { Entry[string] globalNewCounts; string logfilename = "profilegc.log"; } /**** * Set file name for output. * A file name of "" means write results to stdout. * Params: * name = file name */ extern (C) void profilegc_setlogfilename(string name) { logfilename = name; } public void accumulate(string file, uint line, string funcname, string type, size_t sz) { char[3 * line.sizeof + 1] buf; auto buflen = snprintf(buf.ptr, buf.length, "%u", line); auto length = type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 + file.length + 1 + buflen; if (length > buffer.length) { // Enlarge buffer[] so it is big enough auto p = cast(char*)realloc(buffer.ptr, length); if (!p) onOutOfMemoryError(); buffer = p[0 .. length]; } // "type funcname file:line" buffer[0 .. type.length] = type[]; buffer[type.length] = ' '; buffer[type.length + 1 .. type.length + 1 + funcname.length] = funcname[]; buffer[type.length + 1 + funcname.length] = ' '; buffer[type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 .. type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 + file.length] = file[]; buffer[type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 + file.length] = ':'; buffer[type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 + file.length + 1 .. type.length + 1 + funcname.length + 1 + file.length + 1 + buflen] = buf[0 .. buflen]; if (auto pcount = cast(string)buffer[0 .. length] in newCounts) { // existing entry pcount.count++; pcount.size += sz; } else newCounts[buffer[0..length].idup] = Entry(1, sz); // new entry } // Merge thread local newCounts into globalNewCounts static ~this() { if (newCounts.length) { synchronized { if (globalNewCounts.length) { // Merge foreach (name, entry; newCounts) { globalNewCounts[name].count += entry.count; globalNewCounts[name].size += entry.size; } } else // Assign globalNewCounts = newCounts; } newCounts = null; } free(buffer.ptr); buffer = null; } // Write report to stderr shared static ~this() { static struct Result { string name; Entry entry; // qsort() comparator to sort by count field extern (C) static int qsort_cmp(const void *r1, const void *r2) { auto result1 = cast(Result*)r1; auto result2 = cast(Result*)r2; ptrdiff_t cmp = result2.entry.size - result1.entry.size; if (cmp) return cmp < 0 ? -1 : 1; cmp = result2.entry.count - result1.entry.count; return cmp < 0 ? -1 : (cmp > 0 ? 1 : 0); } } Result[] counts = new Result[globalNewCounts.length]; size_t i; foreach (name, entry; globalNewCounts) { counts[i].name = name; counts[i].entry = entry; ++i; } if (counts.length) { qsort(counts.ptr, counts.length, Result.sizeof, &Result.qsort_cmp); FILE* fp = logfilename.length == 0 ? stdout : fopen((logfilename ~ '\0').ptr, "w"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "bytes allocated, allocations, type, function, file:line\n"); foreach (ref c; counts) { fprintf(fp, "%15llu\t%15llu\t%8.*s\n", cast(ulong)c.entry.size, cast(ulong)c.entry.count, c.name.length, c.name.ptr); } if (logfilename.length) fclose(fp); } else fprintf(stderr, "cannot write profilegc log file '%.*s'", logfilename.length, logfilename.ptr); } }