/** * Written in the D programming language. * This module provides OS X x86-64 specific support for sections. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2016. * License: Distributed under the * $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0). * (See accompanying file LICENSE) * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly, Martin Nowak, Jacob Carlborg * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC src/rt/_sections_osx_x86_64.d) */ module rt.sections_osx_x86_64; version (OSX) version = Darwin; else version (iOS) version = Darwin; else version (TVOS) version = Darwin; else version (WatchOS) version = Darwin; version(Darwin): version(X86_64): // debug = PRINTF; import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.string, core.stdc.stdlib; import core.sys.posix.pthread; import core.sys.osx.mach.dyld; import core.sys.osx.mach.getsect; import rt.deh, rt.minfo; import rt.util.container.array; struct SectionGroup { static int opApply(scope int delegate(ref SectionGroup) dg) { return dg(_sections); } static int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(ref SectionGroup) dg) { return dg(_sections); } @property immutable(ModuleInfo*)[] modules() const { return _moduleGroup.modules; } @property ref inout(ModuleGroup) moduleGroup() inout { return _moduleGroup; } @property inout(void[])[] gcRanges() inout { return _gcRanges[]; } @property immutable(FuncTable)[] ehTables() const { return _ehTables[]; } private: immutable(FuncTable)[] _ehTables; ModuleGroup _moduleGroup; Array!(void[]) _gcRanges; } /**** * Boolean flag set to true while the runtime is initialized. */ __gshared bool _isRuntimeInitialized; /**** * Gets called on program startup just before GC is initialized. */ void initSections() { _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(§ions_osx_onAddImage); _isRuntimeInitialized = true; } /*** * Gets called on program shutdown just after GC is terminated. */ void finiSections() { _sections._gcRanges.reset(); _isRuntimeInitialized = false; } void[] initTLSRanges() { void* start = null; size_t size = 0; _d_dyld_getTLSRange(&dummyTlsSymbol, &start, &size); assert(start && size, "Could not determine TLS range."); return start[0 .. size]; } void finiTLSRanges(void[] rng) { } void scanTLSRanges(void[] rng, scope void delegate(void* pbeg, void* pend) nothrow dg) nothrow { dg(rng.ptr, rng.ptr + rng.length); } private: extern(C) void _d_dyld_getTLSRange(void*, void**, size_t*); __gshared SectionGroup _sections; ubyte dummyTlsSymbol; extern (C) void sections_osx_onAddImage(in mach_header* h, intptr_t slide) { foreach (e; dataSegs) { auto sect = getSection(h, slide, e.seg.ptr, e.sect.ptr); if (sect != null) _sections._gcRanges.insertBack((cast(void*)sect.ptr)[0 .. sect.length]); } auto minfosect = getSection(h, slide, "__DATA", "__minfodata"); if (minfosect != null) { // no support for multiple images yet // take the sections from the last static image which is the executable if (_isRuntimeInitialized) { fprintf(stderr, "Loading shared libraries isn't yet supported on OSX.\n"); return; } else if (_sections.modules.ptr !is null) { fprintf(stderr, "Shared libraries are not yet supported on OSX.\n"); } debug(PRINTF) printf(" minfodata\n"); auto p = cast(immutable(ModuleInfo*)*)minfosect.ptr; immutable len = minfosect.length / (*p).sizeof; _sections._moduleGroup = ModuleGroup(p[0 .. len]); } auto ehsect = getSection(h, slide, "__DATA", "__deh_eh"); if (ehsect != null) { debug(PRINTF) printf(" deh_eh\n"); auto p = cast(immutable(FuncTable)*)ehsect.ptr; immutable len = ehsect.length / (*p).sizeof; _sections._ehTables = p[0 .. len]; } } struct SegRef { string seg; string sect; } static immutable SegRef[] dataSegs = [{SEG_DATA, SECT_DATA}, {SEG_DATA, SECT_BSS}, {SEG_DATA, SECT_COMMON}]; ubyte[] getSection(in mach_header* header, intptr_t slide, in char* segmentName, in char* sectionName) { assert(header.magic == MH_MAGIC_64); auto sect = getsectbynamefromheader_64(cast(mach_header_64*)header, segmentName, sectionName); if (sect !is null && sect.size > 0) return (cast(ubyte*)sect.addr + slide)[0 .. cast(size_t)sect.size]; return null; }