import core.runtime, core.time : MonoTime; import core.stdc.stdio; ModuleInfo* getModuleInfo(string name) { foreach (m; ModuleInfo) if ( == name) return m; assert(0, "module '"~name~"' not found"); } bool tester() { return Runtime.args.length > 1 ? testModules() : testAll(); } string mode; bool testModules() { bool ret = true; foreach(name; Runtime.args[1..$]) { immutable pkg = ".package"; immutable pkgLen = pkg.length; if (name.length > pkgLen && name[$ - pkgLen .. $] == pkg) name = name[0 .. $ - pkgLen]; doTest(getModuleInfo(name), ret); } return ret; } bool testAll() { bool ret = true; foreach(moduleInfo; ModuleInfo) { doTest(moduleInfo, ret); } return ret; } void doTest(ModuleInfo* moduleInfo, ref bool ret) { if (auto fp = moduleInfo.unitTest) { auto name =; try { immutable t0 = MonoTime.currTime; fp(); printf("%.3fs PASS %.*s %.*s\n", (MonoTime.currTime - t0).total!"msecs" / 1000.0, cast(uint)mode.length, mode.ptr, cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr); } catch (Throwable e) { auto msg = e.toString(); printf("****** FAIL %.*s %.*s\n%.*s\n", cast(uint)mode.length, mode.ptr, cast(uint)name.length, name.ptr, cast(uint)msg.length, msg.ptr); ret = false; } } } shared static this() { version(D_Coverage) { import core.runtime : dmd_coverSetMerge; dmd_coverSetMerge(true); } Runtime.moduleUnitTester = &tester; debug mode = "debug"; else mode = "release"; static if ((void*).sizeof == 4) mode ~= "32"; else static if ((void*).sizeof == 8) mode ~= "64"; else static assert(0, "You must be from the future!"); } void main() { }