Ddoc $(COMMENT Pending changelog for 2.073. This will get copied to dlang.org and cleared when master gets merged into stable. ) $(BUGSTITLE Library Changes, $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 promoted, Added `std.traits.Promoted` to get the result of $(LINK2 $(ROOT_DIR)spec/type.html#integer-promotions, scalar type promotion) in multi-term arithmetic expressions.)) $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 staticIsSorted, Added `std.meta.staticIsSorted` to check if an `AliasSeq` is sorted according to some template predicate.)) $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 minIndex, Added `std.algorithm.searching.minIndex` to get the index of the minimum element of a range.)) $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 maxIndex, Added `std.algorithm.searching.maxIndex` to get the index of the maximum element of a range.)) $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 ndslice-removal, `std.experimental.ndslice` has been deprecated.)) $(LI $(RELATIVE_LINK2 has-function-attributes, Added `std.traits.hasFunctionAttributes` as a user-friendly way to query for function attributes.)) ) $(BUGSTITLE Library Changes, $(LI $(LNAME2 promoted, `std.traits.Promoted` gets the type to which a scalar type will be promoted in multi-term arithmetic expressions.) ------- import std.traits : Promoted; static assert(is(typeof(ubyte(3) * ubyte(5)) == Promoted!ubyte)); static assert(is(Promoted!ubyte == int)); ------- $(P See the D specification on $(LINK2 $(ROOT_DIR)spec/type.html#integer-promotions, scalar type promotions) for more information.) ) $(LI $(LNAME2 staticIsSorted, `std.meta.staticIsSorted` checks whether an `AliasSeq` is sorted according to some template predicate.) ------ enum Comp(T1, T2) = T1.sizeof < T2.sizeof; import std.meta : staticIsSorted; static assert( staticIsSorted!(Comp, byte, uint, double)); static assert(!staticIsSorted!(Comp, bool, long, dchar)); ------ $(P Additionally, the compile-time performance of `std.meta.staticSort` has been greatly improved. Nevertheless, due to compiler limitations it is still an extraordinarily expensive operation to perform on longer sequences; strive to minimize such use.) ) $(LI $(LNAME2 minIndex, `std.algorithm.searching.minIndex` gets the index of the minimum element of a range, according to a specified predicate. The default predicate is "a < b") ------- import std.algorithm.searching : minIndex; int[] a = [5, 4, 2, 1, 9, 10]; assert(a.minIndex == 3); int[] a; assert(a.minIndex == -1); ------- ) $(LI $(LNAME2 maxIndex, `std.algorithm.searching.maxIndex` gets the index of the maximum element of a range, according to a specified predicate. The default predicate is "a > b") ------- import std.algorithm.searching : maxIndex; int[] a = [5, 4, 2, 1, 9, 10]; assert(a.minIndex == 5); int[] a; assert(a.minIndex == -1); ------- ) $(LI $(LNAME2 ndslice-removal, `std.experimental.ndslice` has been deprecated.) The synchronization between Phobos and Mir turned out to be a lot of work with litte gain. Users of `std.experimental.ndslice` are advised to switch to the upstream $(LINK2 https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm, mir package). ) $(LI $(LNAME2 has-function-attributes, `std.traits.hasFunctionAttributes` has been added) It exposes a user-friendly way to query for function attributes: ------- import std.traits : hasFunctionAttributes; // manually annotated function real func(real x) pure nothrow @safe { return x; } static assert(hasFunctionAttributes!(func, "@safe", "pure")); static assert(!hasFunctionAttributes!(func, "@trusted")); // for templated function types are automatically inferred bool myFunc(T)(T b) { return !b; } static assert(hasFunctionAttributes!(myFunc!bool, "@safe", "pure", "@nogc", "nothrow")); static assert(!hasFunctionAttributes!(myFunc!bool, "shared")); ------- ) ) Macros: TITLE=Change Log BUGSTITLE =
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