[Version] version=7.51 Build 020 ; environment for both 32/64 bit [Environment] DFLAGS="-I%@P%\..\..\src\phobos" "-I%@P%\..\..\src\druntime\import" ; optlink only reads from the Environment section so we need this redundancy ; from the Environment32 section (bugzilla 11302) LIB="%@P%\..\lib" [Environment32] LIB="%@P%\..\lib" LINKCMD=%@P%\link.exe [Environment64] LIB="%@P%\..\lib64" ; needed to avoid COMDAT folding (bugzilla 10664) DFLAGS=%DFLAGS% -L/OPT:NOICF ; default to 32-bit linker (can generate 64-bit code) that has a common path ; for VS2008, VS2010, VS2012, and VS2013. This will be overridden below if the ; installer detects VS. LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\link.exe ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This enclosed section is specially crafted to be activated by the Windows ; installer when it detects the actual paths to VC and SDK installations so ; modify this in the default sc.ini within the dmd git repo with care. ; ; End users: You can fill in the path to VC and Windows SDK and uncomment out ; the appropriate LINKCMD to manually enable support yourself. ; ; Users using Visual Studio 2010 Express with SDK 7.0A: The installer cannot ; determine the path to the 64-bit compiler included with SDK 7.0A. It's ; recommended to install the Windows SDK 7.1A. Alternatively you can set ; LINKCMD as the path to link.exe SDK 7.0A installs. It would typically be: ; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\amd64\link.exe ; Windows installer replaces the following lines with the actual paths ;VCINSTALLDIR= ;WindowsSdkDir= ;UniversalCRTSdkDir= ;UCRTVersion= ; Windows installer uncomments the version detected ;VC2015 LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe ;VC2013 LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe ;VC2012 LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe ;VC2010 LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\amd64\link.exe ;VC2008 LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\amd64\link.exe ; needed with /DEBUG to find mspdb*.dll (only for VS2012 or VS2013) ;VC2015 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin ;VC2013 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64;%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\Common7\IDE;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin ;VC2012 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\x86_amd64;%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\Common7\IDE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add the library subdirectories of all VC and Windows SDK versions so things ; just work for users using dmd from the VS 64-bit Command Prompt ; C Runtime libraries LIB=%LIB%;"%VCINSTALLDIR%\lib\amd64" ; Platform/UCRT libraries (Windows SDK 10.0) LIB=%LIB%;"%UniversalCRTSdkDir%\Lib\%UCRTVersion%\um\x64" LIB=%LIB%;"%UniversalCRTSdkDir%\Lib\%UCRTVersion%\ucrt\x64" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 8.1) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 8) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\win8\um\x64" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 7 and 6) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\x64" ; DirectX (newer versions are included in the Platform SDK but this ; will allow us to support older versions) LIB=%LIB%;"%DXSDK_DIR%\Lib\x64" ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Environment32mscoff] LIB="%@P%\..\lib32mscoff" ; settings very much copied from Environment64, see comments there ; needed to avoid COMDAT folding (bugzilla 10664) DFLAGS=%DFLAGS% -L/OPT:NOICF ; Windows installer replaces the following lines with the actual paths ;VCINSTALLDIR= ;WindowsSdkDir= ;UniversalCRTSdkDir= ;UCRTVersion= LINKCMD=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\link.exe ; needed with /DEBUG to find mspdb*.dll (only for VS2012 or VS2013) ;VC2015 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin ;VC2013 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\Common7\IDE;%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin ;VC2012 PATH=%PATH%;%VCINSTALLDIR%\..\Common7\IDE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add the library subdirectories of all VC and Windows SDK versions so things ; just work for users using dmd from the VS Command Prompt ; C Runtime libraries LIB=%LIB%;"%VCINSTALLDIR%\lib" ; Platform/UCRT libraries (Windows SDK 10.0) LIB=%LIB%;"%UniversalCRTSdkDir%\Lib\%UCRTVersion%\um\x86" LIB=%LIB%;"%UniversalCRTSdkDir%\Lib\%UCRTVersion%\ucrt\x86" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 8.1) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\winv6.3\um\x86" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 8) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib\win8\um\x86" ; Platform libraries (Windows SDK 7 and 6) LIB=%LIB%;"%WindowsSdkDir%\Lib" ; DirectX (newer versions are included in the Platform SDK but this ; will allow us to support older versions) LIB=%LIB%;"%DXSDK_DIR%\Lib\x86"