class Zef { } sub zrun(*@_, *%_) is export { run (|@_).grep(*.?chars), |%_ } sub zrun-async(*@_, *%_) is export { (|@_).grep(*.?chars), |%_ ) } # rakudo must be able to parse json, so it doesn't # make sense to require a dependency to parse it sub from-json($text) is export { ::("Rakudo::Internals::JSON").from-json($text) } sub to-json(|c) is export { ::("Rakudo::Internals::JSON").to-json(|c) } # todo: define all the additional options in these signatures, such as passing :$jobs # to `test` (for the prove command), how to handle existing files, etc # A way to avoid printing everything to make --quiet option more univesal between plugins # Need to create a messaging format to include the phase, file, verbosity level, progress, # etc we may or may not display as neccesary. It's current usage is not finalized and # any suggestions for this are well taken role Messenger { has $.stdout =; has $.stderr =; } enum LEVEL is export ; enum STAGE is export ; enum PHASE is export ; # Get a resource located at a uri and save it to the local disk role Fetcher { method fetch($uri, $save-as) { ... } method fetch-matcher($uri) { ... } } # As a post-hook to the default fetchers we will need to extract zip # files. `git` does this itself, so a git based Fetcher wouldn't need this # although we could possibly add `--no-checkout` to `git`s fetch and treat # Extract as the action of `--checkout $branch` (allowing us to "extract" # a specific version from a commit/tag) role Extractor { method extract($archive-file, $target-dir) { ... } method ls-files($archive-file) { ... } method extract-matcher($path) { ... } } # test a single file OR all the files in a directory (recursive optional) role Tester { method test($path, :@includes) { ... } method test-matcher($path) { ... } } role Builder { method build($dist, :@includes) { ... } method build-matcher($path) { ... } } role Installer { method install($dist, :$cur, :$force) { ... } method install-matcher($dist) { ... } } role Reporter { method report($dist) { ... } } role Candidate { has $.dist; has $.as; # Requested as (maybe a url, maybe an identity, maybe a path) has $.from; # Recommended from (::Ecosystems, ::MetaCPAN, ::LocalCache) has $.uri is rw; # url, file path, etc has Bool $.is-dependency is rw; has $.build-results is rw; has $.test-results is rw; } role Repository { # An identifier like .^name but intended to differentiate between instances of the same class # For instance: ::Ecosystems and ::Ecosystems which would otherwise share the # same .^name of ::Ecosystems method id { $?CLASS.^name.split('+', 2)[0] } # max-results is meant so we can :max-results(1) when we are interested in using it like # `.candidates` (i.e. 1 match per identity) so we can stop iterating search plugins earlier method search(:$max-results, *@identities, *%fields --> Iterable) { ... } # Optional method currently being called after a search/fetch # to assist ::Repository::LocalCache in updating its MANIFEST path cache. # The concept needs more thought, but for instance a GitHub related repositories # could commit changes or push to a remote branch, and (as is now) the cs # ::LocalCache to update MANIFEST so we don't *have* to do a recursive folder search # # method store(*@dists) { } # Optional method for listing available packages. For p6c style repositories # where we have an index file this is easy. For metacpan style where we # make a remote query not so much (maybe it could list the most recent X # modules... or maybe it just doesn't implement it at all) # method available { } } # Used by the phase's loader (i.e Zef::Fetch) to test that the plugin can # be used. for instance, ::Shell wrappers probe via `cmd --help`. Note # that the result of .probe is cached by each phase loader role Probeable { method probe returns Bool { ... } } role Pluggable { has $!plugins; has @.backends; sub DEBUG($plugin, $message) { say "[Plugin - {$plugin // $plugin // qq||}] $message"\ if ?%*ENV; } method plugins(*@names) { +@names ?? self!list-plugins.grep({@names.contains(.short-name)}) !! self!list-plugins; } method !list-plugins { gather for @!backends -> $plugin { my $module = $plugin; DEBUG($plugin, "Checking: {$module}"); # default to enabled unless `"enabled" : 0` next() R, DEBUG($plugin, "\t(SKIP) Not enabled")\ if $plugin:exists && (!$plugin || $plugin eq "0"); next() R, DEBUG($plugin, "\t(SKIP) Plugin could not be loaded")\ if (try require ::($ = $module)) ~~ Nil; DEBUG($plugin, "\t(OK) Plugin loaded successful"); if ::($ = $module).^find_method('probe') { ::($ = $module).probe ?? DEBUG($plugin, "\t(OK) Probing successful") !! (next() R, DEBUG($plugin, "\t(SKIP) Probing failed")) } # add attribute `short-name` here to make filtering by name slightly easier # until a more elegant solution can be integrated into plugins themselves my $class = ::($ = $module).new(|($plugin // []))\ but role :: { has $.short-name = $plugin // '' }; next() R, DEBUG($plugin, "(SKIP) Plugin unusable: initialization failure")\ unless ?$class; DEBUG($plugin, "(OK) Plugin is now usable: {$module}"); take $class; } } }