use Zef; use Zef::Client; use Zef::Config; use Zef::Utils::FileSystem; use Zef::Identity; use Zef::Distribution; use Zef::Utils::SystemInfo; use nqp; # Content was cut+pasted from bin/zef, leaving bin/zef's contents as just: `use Zef::CLI;` # This allows the bin/zef original code to be precompiled, halving bare start up time. # Ideally this all ends up back in bin/zef once/if precompilation of scripts is handled in CURI package Zef::CLI { my $verbosity = preprocess-args-verbosity-mutate(@*ARGS); %*ENV = $verbosity >= DEBUG; my $CONFIG = preprocess-args-config-mutate(@*ARGS); my $VERSION = try EVAL q[$?DISTRIBUTION.meta.first(*.so)]; # TODO: deprecate usage of --depsonly @*ARGS = @* { $_ eq '--depsonly' ?? '--deps-only' !! $_ } proto MAIN(|) is export { # Supress backtrace CATCH { default { try { ::("Rakudo::Internals").?LL-EXCEPTION } ?? .rethrow !! .message.¬e; &*EXIT(1) } } {*} } #| Download specific distributions multi MAIN( 'fetch', Bool :force(:$force-fetch), Int :timeout(:$fetch-timeout) = %*ENV // 600, Int :degree(:$fetch-degree) = %*ENV || 5, # default different from Zef::Client, :$update, *@identities ($, *@) ) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$force-fetch, :$update, :$fetch-timeout, :$fetch-degree); my @candidates = $client.find-candidates(*.&str2identity)); abort "Failed to resolve any candidates. No reason to proceed" unless +@candidates; my @fetched = $client.fetch(@candidates); my @fail = @candidates.grep: {.as !~~ any(@fetched>>.as)} say "!!!> Fetch failed: {.as}{?($verbosity >= VERBOSE)??' at '~.dist.path!!''}" for @fail; exit +@fetched && +@fetched == +@candidates && +@fail == 0 ?? 0 !! 1; } #| Run tests multi MAIN( 'test', Bool :force(:$force-test), Int :timeout(:$test-timeout) = %*ENV || 3600, # Int :degree(:$test-degree) = %*ENV || 1, # degree affects simutanious distributions being tests, but this tests a single distribution *@paths ($, *@) ) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$force-test, :$test-timeout); my @candidates = $*.&path2candidate) ); abort "Failed to resolve any candidates. No reason to proceed" unless +@candidates; my @tested = $client.test(@candidates); my (:@test-pass, :@test-fail) := @tested.classify: {.test-results.grep(*.so) ?? !! } say "!!!> Testing failed: {.as}{?($verbosity >= VERBOSE)??' at '~.dist.path!!''}" for @test-fail; exit ?@test-fail ?? 1 !! ?@test-pass ?? 0 !! 255; } #| Run multi MAIN( 'build', Bool :force(:$force-build), Int :timeout(:$build-timeout) = %*ENV || 3600, *@paths ($, *@) ) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$force-build, |(:$build-timeout with $build-timeout),); my @candidates = $*.&path2candidate) ); abort "Failed to resolve any candidates. No reason to proceed" unless +@candidates; my @built = $; my (:@pass, :@fail) := @built.classify: {.?build-results.grep(*.so).elems ?? !! } say "!!!> Build failure: {.as}{?($verbosity >= VERBOSE)??' at '~.dist.path!!''}" for @fail; exit ?@fail ?? 1 !! ?@pass ?? 0 !! 255; } #| Install multi MAIN( 'install', Bool :$fetch = True, Bool :$build = True, Bool :$test = True, Bool :$depends = True, Bool :$test-depends = $test, Bool :$build-depends = $build, Bool :$force, Bool :$force-resolve = $force, Bool :$force-fetch = $force, Bool :$force-extract = $force, Bool :$force-build = $force, Bool :$force-test = $force, Bool :$force-install = $force, Int :$timeout, Int :$fetch-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 600, Int :$extract-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$build-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$test-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$install-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$degree, Int :$fetch-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 5, # default different from Zef::Client Int :$test-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 1, Bool :$dry, Bool :$upgrade, Bool :$deps-only, Bool :$serial, Bool :$contained, :$update, :$exclude, :to(:$install-to) = $CONFIG, *@wants ($, *@) ) { @wants .= map: *.&str2identity; my (:@paths, :@uris, :@identities) := @wants.classify: -> $wanted { $wanted ~~ /^[\. | \/]/ ?? !! ?$wanted) ?? !! (my $uri = Zef::Utils::URI($wanted) and !$ ?? !! abort("Don't understand identity: {$wanted}"); } my $client = get-client( :config($CONFIG), :$update, :exclude(${$_) })), :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends, :$force-resolve, :$force-fetch, :$force-extract, :$force-build, :$force-test, :$force-install, :$fetch-timeout, :$extract-timeout, :$build-timeout, :$test-timeout, :$install-timeout, :$fetch-degree, :$test-degree, ); # LOCAL PATHS abort "The following were recognized as file paths but don't exist as such - {@paths.grep(!*.IO.e)}" if +@paths.grep(!*.IO.e); my (:@wanted-paths, :@skip-paths) := @paths\ .classify: {$$_).identity, :at($*.&str2cur))) ?? !! } say "The following local path candidates are already installed: {@skip-paths.join(', ')}"\ if ($verbosity >= VERBOSE) && +@skip-paths; my @requested-paths = ?$force-install ?? @paths !! @wanted-paths; my @path-candidates =*.&path2candidate); # URIS my @uri-candidates-to-check = $client.fetch({$_), :uri($_)) }) ) if +@uris; abort "No candidates found matching uri: {@uri-candidates-to-check.join(', ')}" if +@uris && +@uri-candidates-to-check == 0; my (:@wanted-uris, :@skip-uris) := @uri-candidates-to-check\ .classify: {$$_.dist.identity, :at($*.&str2cur))) ?? !! } say "The following uri candidates are already installed: {*.as).join(', ')}"\ if ($verbosity >= VERBOSE) && +@skip-uris; my @requested-uris = (?$force-install ?? @uri-candidates-to-check !! @wanted-uris)\ .grep: { $_ ~~ none(*.dist.identity)) } my @uri-candidates = @requested-uris; # IDENTITIES my (:@wanted-identities, :@skip-identities) := @identities\ .classify: {$$_, :at($*.&str2cur))) ?? !! } say "The following candidates are already installed: {@skip-identities.join(', ')}"\ if ($verbosity >= VERBOSE) && +@skip-identities; my @requested-identities = (?$force-install ?? @identities !! @wanted-identities)\ .grep: { $_ ~~ none(*.dist.identity)) } my @requested = $client.find-candidates(:$upgrade, @requested-identities) if +@requested-identities; abort "No candidates found matching identity: {@requested-identities.join(', ')}"\ if +@requested-identities && +@requested == 0; my @prereqs = $client.find-prereq-candidates(:skip-installed(not $contained), |@path-candidates, |@uri-candidates, |@requested)\ if +@path-candidates || +@uri-candidates || +@requested; my @candidates = grep *.defined, ?$deps-only ?? @prereqs !! (|@path-candidates, |@uri-candidates, |@requested, |@prereqs); unless +@candidates { note("All candidates are currently installed"); exit(0) if $deps-only; abort("No reason to proceed. Use --force-install to continue anyway", 0) unless $force-install; } my (:@local, :@remote) := @candidates.classify: {.dist ~~ Zef::Distribution::Local ?? !! } my @fetched = grep *.so, |@local, ($client.fetch(@remote).Slip if +@remote && $fetch); my CompUnit::Repository @to = $*.&str2cur); my @installed = $client.make-install( :@to, :$fetch, :$test, :$build, :$upgrade, :$update, :$dry, :$serial, @fetched ); my @fail = @candidates.grep: {.as !~~ any(@installed>>.as)} say "!!!> Install failures: {*.dist.identity).join(', ')}" if +@fail; exit +@installed && +@installed == +@candidates && +@fail == 0 ?? 0 !! 1; } #| Uninstall multi MAIN( 'uninstall', :from(:$uninstall-from) = $CONFIG, *@identities ($, *@) ) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG)); my CompUnit::Repository @from = $*.&str2cur); my @uninstalled = $client.uninstall( :@from,*.&str2identity) ); my @fail = @identities.grep(* !~~ any(*.as))); if +@uninstalled == 0 && +@fail { note("!!!> Found no matching candidates to uninstall"); exit 1; } for @uninstalled.classify(*.from).kv -> $from, $candidates { say "===> Uninstalled from $from"; say "$_" for |$candidates>>.dist>>.identity; } say "!!!> Failed to uninstall distributions: {@fail.join('. ')}" if +@fail; exit +@fail ?? 1 !! 0; } #| Get a list of possible distribution candidates for the given terms multi MAIN('search', Int :$wrap = False, :$update, *@terms ($, *@)) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$update); my @results = $; say "===> Found " ~ +@results ~ " results"; my @rows = eager gather for @results -> $candi { FIRST { take [] } take [ $++, $candi.from, $candi.dist.identity, ($candi.dist.hash // '') ]; } print-table(@rows, :$wrap); exit 0; } #| A list of available modules from enabled repositories multi MAIN('list', Int :$max?, :$update, Bool :i(:$installed), *@at) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$update); my $found := ?$installed ?? $client.list-installed(*.&str2cur)) !! $client.list-available(@at); my $range := defined($max) ?? 0..+$max !! *; my %locations = $found[$range].classify: -> $candi { $candi.from } for %locations.kv -> $from, $candis { note "===> Found via {$from}"; for $candis.sort(*.dist.identity) -> $candi { say "{$candi.dist.identity}"; say "#\t{$_}" for @($candi.dist.provides.keys.sort if ?($verbosity >= VERBOSE)); } } exit 0; } #| Upgrade installed distributions (BETA) multi MAIN( 'upgrade', Bool :$fetch = True, Bool :$build = True, Bool :$test = True, Bool :$depends = True, Bool :$test-depends = $test, Bool :$build-depends = $build, Bool :$force, Bool :$force-resolve = $force, Bool :$force-fetch = $force, Bool :$force-extract = $force, Bool :$force-build = $force, Bool :$force-test = $force, Bool :$force-install = $force, Int :$timeout, Int :$fetch-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 600, Int :$extract-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$build-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$test-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$install-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$degree, Int :$fetch-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 5, # default different from Zef::Client, Int :$test-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 1, Bool :$dry, Bool :$update, Bool :$serial, :$exclude, :to(:$install-to) = $CONFIG, *@identities ) { # XXX: This is a very inefficient prototype. Not sure how to handle an 'upgrade' when # multiple versions are already installed, so for now an 'upgrade' always means we # leave the previous version installed. my $client = get-client( :config($CONFIG), :exclude(${$_) })), :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends, :$force-resolve, :$force-fetch, :$force-extract, :$force-build, :$force-test, :$force-install, :$fetch-timeout, :$extract-timeout, :$build-timeout, :$test-timeout, :$install-timeout, :$fetch-degree, :$test-degree ); my @missing = @identities.grep: { not $$_) }; abort "Can't upgrade identities that aren't installed: {@missing.join(', ')}" if +@missing; my @installed = $client.list-installed($*.&str2cur))\ .sort(*.dist.ver).sort(*.dist.api).reverse\ .unique(:as({"{}:auth<{.dist.auth-matcher}>"})); my @requested = +@identities ?? $client.find-candidates(*.&str2identity)) !! $client.find-candidates(*.dist.clone(ver => "*")).map(*.identity).unique); my (:@upgradable, :@current, :@unknown) := @requested.classify: -> $candi { my $latest-installed = @installed.grep({ eq $ })\ .sort({ .dist.auth-matcher ne $candi.dist.auth-matcher }).head; # this is to handle auths that changed. need to find a better way... !$latest-installed ?? !! (($latest-installed.dist.ver <=> $candi.dist.ver) === Order::Less) ?? !! ; } note "Unsure of how to handle the following distributions: {*.dist.identity),join(',')}" if +@unknown; abort("All requested distributions are already at their latest versions", 0) unless +@upgradable; say "The following distributions will be upgraded: {*.dist.identity).join(', ')}"; my &installer = &MAIN.assuming( :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends, :$test, :$fetch, :$build, :$update, :$exclude, :$install-to, :$force-resolve, :$force-fetch, :$force-build, :$force-test, :$force-install, :$fetch-timeout, :$extract-timeout, :$build-timeout, :$test-timeout, :$fetch-degree, :$test-degree, :$dry, :$serial, ); # Sort these ahead of time so they can be installed individually by passing # the .uri instead of the identities (which would require another search) my @sorted-candidates = $client.sort-candidates(@upgradable); say "===> Updating: " ~*.dist.identity).join(', '); my (:@upgraded, :@failed) :=*.uri).classify: -> $uri { my &*EXIT = sub ($code) { return $code == 0 ?? True !! False }; try { &installer('install', $uri) } ?? !! ; } abort "!!!> Failed upgrading *all* modules" unless +@upgraded; say "!!!> Some modules failed to update: {*.dist.identity).join(', ')}" if +@failed; exit +@upgraded < +@upgradable ?? 1 !! 0; } #| View dependencies of a distribution multi MAIN( 'depends', $identity, Bool :$depends = True, Bool :$test-depends = True, Bool :$build-depends = True, ) { # TODO: refactor this stuff which was copied from 'install' # So really we just need a function to handle separating the different identity types # and optionally delivering a message for each section. my @wants = ($identity,).map: *.&str2identity; my (:@paths, :@uris, :@identities) := @wants.classify: -> $wanted { $wanted ~~ /^[\. | \/]/ ?? !! ?$wanted) ?? !! (my $uri = Zef::Utils::URI($wanted) and !$ ?? !! abort("Don't understand identity: {$wanted}"); } my $client =$CONFIG), :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends,); abort "The following were recognized as file paths but don't exist as such - {@paths.grep(!*.IO.e)}" if +@paths.grep(!*.IO.e); my @path-candidates =*.&path2candidate); my @uri-candidates-to-check = $client.fetch({$_), :uri($_)) }) ) if +@uris; abort "No candidates found matching uri: {@uri-candidates-to-check.join(', ')}" if +@uris && +@uri-candidates-to-check == 0; my @uri-candidates = @uri-candidates-to-check.grep: { $_ ~~ none(*.dist.identity)) } my @requested-identities = @identities.grep: { $_ ~~ none(*.dist.identity)) } my @requested = $client.find-candidates(@requested-identities) if +@requested-identities; abort "No candidates found matching identity: {@requested-identities.join(', ')}"\ if +@requested-identities && +@requested == 0; my @prereqs = $client.find-prereq-candidates(:!skip-installed, |@path-candidates, |@uri-candidates, |@requested)\ if +@path-candidates || +@uri-candidates || +@requested; .say for*.dist.identity); } #| View direct reverse dependencies of a distribution multi MAIN( 'rdepends', $identity, Bool :$depends = True, Bool :$test-depends = True, Bool :$build-depends = True, ) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends); .dist.identity.say for $client.list-rev-depends($identity); exit 0; } #| Lookup locally installed distributions by short-name, name-path, or sha1 id multi MAIN('locate', $identity, Bool :$sha1) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG)); if !$sha1 { if $identity.ends-with('.pm' | '.pm6' | '.rakumod') { my @candis = $client.list-installed.grep({ .dist.compat.meta.values.grep({parse-value($_) eq $identity}).so; }); for @candis -> $candi { LAST exit 0; NEXT say ''; if $candi { # This is relying on implementation details for compatability purposes. It will # use something more appropriate sometime in 2019. my %meta = $candi.dist.compat.meta; %meta ={ $_.key => parse-value($_.value) }).hash; my $lib = %meta.hash.antipairs.hash.{$identity}; my $lib-sha1 = nqp::sha1($lib ~$candi.dist.compat).id); say "===> From Distribution: {~$candi.dist}"; say "{$lib} => {$candi.from.prefix.child('sources').child($lib-sha1)}"; } } } elsif $identity.starts-with('bin/' | 'resources/') { my @candis = $client.list-installed.grep({ .dist.compat.meta.first({.key eq $identity}).so }); for @candis -> $candi { LAST exit 0; NEXT say ''; if $candi { my $libs = $candi.dist.compat.meta; my $lib = $libs.first({.key eq $identity}); say "===> From Distribution: {~$candi.dist}"; say "{$identity} => {$candi.from.prefix.child('resources').child($lib.value)}"; } } } elsif $client.resolve($identity) -> @candis { for @candis -> $candi { LAST exit 0; NEXT say ''; say "===> From Distribution: {~$candi.dist}"; my $source-prefix = $candi.from.prefix.child('sources'); my $source-path = $source-prefix.child(nqp::sha1($identity ~$candi.dist.compat).id)); say "{$identity} => {$source-path}" if $source-path.IO.f; } } } else { my @candis = $client.list-installed.grep(-> $candi { # This is relying on implementation details for compatability purposes. It will # use something more appropriate sometime in 2019. my %meta = $candi.dist.compat.meta; %meta ={ $_.key => parse-value($_.value) }).hash; my @source_files ={ nqp::sha1($_.key ~$candi.dist.compat).id) }); my @resource_files = %meta.values.first({$_ eq $identity}); $identity ~~ any(grep *.defined, flat @source_files, @resource_files); }); for @candis -> $candi { LAST exit 0; NEXT say ''; if $candi { my %meta = $candi.dist.compat.meta; %meta ={ $_.key => parse-value($_.value) }).hash; my %sources ={ $_.key => nqp::sha1($_.key ~$candi.dist.compat).id) }).hash; say "===> From Distribution: {~$candi.dist}"; $identity ~~ any(%sources.values) ?? (say "{$_} => {$candi.from.prefix.child('sources').child($identity)}" for %sources.antipairs.hash{$identity}) !! (say "{.key} => {.value}" for $candi.dist.compat.meta.first({.value eq $identity})); } } } say "!!!> Nothing located"; exit 1; } #| Detailed distribution information multi MAIN('info', $identity, :$update, Int :$wrap = False) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG), :$update); my $latest-installed-candi = $client.resolve($identity).head; my @remote-candis = $$identity, :strict, :max-results(1)); abort "!!!> Found no candidates matching identity: {$identity}" unless $latest-installed-candi || +@remote-candis; my $candi := ($latest-installed-candi, |@remote-candis).grep(*.defined).sort(*.dist.ver).sort(*.dist.api).tail; my $dist := $candi.dist; say "- Info for: $identity"; say "- Identity: {$dist.identity}"; say "- Recommended By: {$candi.from}"; say "- Installed: {$latest-installed-candi??$latest-installed-candi.dist.identity eq $dist.identity??qq|Yes|!!qq|Yes, as $latest-installed-candi.dist.identity()|!!'No'}"; say "Author:\t {$}" if $; say "Description:\t {$dist.description}" if $dist.description; say "License:\t {$dist.compat.meta}" if $dist.compat.meta; say "Source-url:\t {$dist.source-url}" if $dist.source-url; my @provides = $dist.provides.sort(*.key.chars); say "Provides: {@provides.elems} modules"; if ?($verbosity >= VERBOSE) { my $meta := $dist.compat.meta; my @rows = eager gather for @provides -> $lib { FIRST { take [] } my $module-name = $lib.key; my $name-path = parse-value($lib.value); take [ $module-name, $name-path ]; } print-table(@rows, :$wrap); } if $dist.hash { say "Support:"; for $dist.hash.kv -> $k, $v { say "# $k:\t$v"; } } my @deps = (|$dist.depends-specs, |$dist.test-depends-specs, |$*.defined).unique; say "Depends: {@deps.elems} items"; if ?($verbosity >= VERBOSE) { my @rows = eager gather for @deps -> $spec { FIRST { take [] } my $row = [ "{state $id += 1}", $, ($$spec) ?? '✓' !! '')]; take $row; } print-table(@rows, :$wrap); } exit 0; } #| Browse a distribution's available support urls (homepage, bugtracker, source) multi MAIN('browse', $identity, $url-type where * ~~ any(), Bool :$open = True) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG)); my $candi = $client.resolve($identity).head || $$identity, :strict, :max-results(1))[0]\ || abort "!!!> Found no candidates matching identity: {$identity}"; my %support = $candi.dist.compat.meta; my $url = %support{$url-type}; my @has-urls = grep { %support{$_} }, ; unless $url && $url.starts-with('http://' | 'https://') { say "'browse' urls supported by $identity: {+@has-urls??@has-urls.join(',')!!'none'}"; exit 255; } say $url; my @cmd = $* ?? !! $*VM.osname eq 'darwin' ?? !! ; run( |@cmd, $url ) if $open; } #| Download a single module and change into its directory multi MAIN('look', $identity) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG)); my @candidates = $client.find-candidates( str2identity($identity) ); abort "Failed to resolve any candidates. No reason to proceed" unless +@candidates; my (:@remote, :@local) := @candidates.classify: {.dist !~~ Zef::Distribution::Local ?? !! } my $fetched = @local[0] || $client.fetch(@remote[0])[0] || abort "Failed to fetch candidate: $identity"; my $dist-path = $fetched.dist.path; say "===> Shelling into directory: {$dist-path}"; exit so shell(%*ENV // %*ENV // %*ENV, :cwd($dist-path)) ?? 0 !! 1; } #| Smoke test multi MAIN( 'smoke', Bool :$fetch = True, Bool :$build = True, Bool :$test = True, Bool :$depends = True, Bool :$test-depends = $test, Bool :$build-depends = $build, Bool :$force, Bool :$force-resolve = $force, Bool :$force-fetch = $force, Bool :$force-extract = $force, Bool :$force-build = $force, Bool :$force-test = $force, Bool :$force-install = $force, Int :$timeout, Int :$fetch-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 600, Int :$extract-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$build-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$test-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$install-timeout = %*ENV // $timeout // 3600, Int :$degree, Int :$fetch-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 5, # default different from Zef::Client, Int :$test-degree = %*ENV || $degree || 1, Bool :$update, Bool :$upgrade, Bool :$dry, Bool :$serial, :$exclude, :to(:$install-to) = $CONFIG, ) { my $client = get-client( :config($CONFIG), :exclude(${$_) })), :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends, :$force-resolve, :$force-fetch, :$force-extract, :$force-build, :$force-test, :$force-install, :$fetch-timeout, :$extract-timeout, :$build-timeout, :$test-timeout, :$install-timeout, :$fetch-degree, :$test-degree, ); my @identities = $*.dist.identity).unique; my CompUnit::Repository @to = $*.&str2cur); say "===> Smoke testing with {+@identities} distributions..."; my &installer = &MAIN.assuming( 'install', :$depends, :$test-depends, :$build-depends, :$test, :$fetch, :$build, :$update, :$upgrade, :$exclude, :$install-to, :$force-resolve, :$force-fetch, :$force-build, :$force-test, :$force-install, :$fetch-timeout, :$extract-timeout, :$build-timeout, :$test-timeout, :$fetch-degree, :$test-degree, :$dry, :$serial, ); for @identities -> $identity { my &*EXIT = sub ($code) { return $code == 0 ?? True !! False }; my $result = try installer($identity); say "===> Smoke result for {$identity}: {?$result??'OK'!!'NOT OK'}"; } exit 0; } #| Update package indexes multi MAIN('update', *@names) { my $client = get-client(:config($CONFIG)); my %results = $client.recommendation-manager.update(@names); my $rows = {[.key, .value]}; abort "A plugin name was provided that does not exist or does not support 'update'" if +@names && (+@names > +$rows); print-table( [["Content Storage", "Distribution Count"], |$rows], wrap => True ); exit 0; } #| Nuke module installations (site, home) and repositories from config (RootDir, StoreDir, TempDir) multi MAIN('nuke', Bool :$confirm, *@names ($, *@)) { my sub dir-delete($dir) { my @deleted = grep *.defined, try delete-paths($dir, :f, :d, :r); say "Deleted " ~ +@deleted ~ " paths from $dir/*"; } my sub confirm-delete(*@dirs) { for @dirs -> $dir { next() R, say "$dir does not exist. Skipping..." unless $dir.IO.e; given prompt("Delete {$dir.path}/* [y/n]: ") { when any() { dir-delete($dir) } when any() { say "Skipping..." } default { say "Invalid entry (enter Y or N)"; redo } } } } my @config-keys = ; my @config-dirs = $CONFIG<<{@names (&) @config-keys}>>.map(*.IO.absolute).sort; my @curli-dirs = @names\ .grep(* !~~ any(@config-keys))\ .map(*.&str2cur)\ .grep(*.?can-install)\ .map(*.prefix.absolute); my @delete = |@curli-dirs, |@config-dirs; $confirm === False ??*.&dir-delete) !! confirm-delete( @delete ); exit 0; } #| Detailed version information multi MAIN(Bool :$version where .so) { say $*PERL.compiler.version <= v2018.12 ?? 'Version detection requires a rakudo newer than v2018.12' !! ($VERSION // 'unknown'); exit 0; } multi MAIN(Bool :h(:$help)?) { note qq:to/END_USAGE/ Zef - Raku / Perl6 Module Management USAGE zef [flags|options] command [args] zef --version COMMANDS install Install specific dependencies by name or path uninstall Uninstall specified distributions test Run tests on a given module's path fetch Fetch and extract module's source build Run the in a given module's path look Fetch followed by shelling into the module's path update Update package indexes for repositories upgrade (BETA) Upgrade specific distributions (or all if no arguments) search Show a list of possible distribution candidates for the given terms info Show detailed distribution information browse Open browser to various support urls (homepage, bugtracker, source) list List known available distributions, or installed distributions with `--installed` depends List all direct and transitive dependencies for a given identity rdepends List all distributions directly depending on a given identity locate Lookup installed module information by short-name, name-path, or sha1 (with --sha1 flag) smoke Run smoke testing on available modules nuke Delete directory/prefix containing matching configuration path or CURLI name OPTIONS --install-to=[name] Short name or spec of CompUnit::Repository to install to --config-path=[path] Load a specific Zef config file --[phase]-timeout=[int] Set a timeout (in seconds) for the corresponding phase ( phase: fetch, extract, build, test, install ) --[phase]-degree=[int] Number of simultaneous distributions/jobs to process for the corresponding phase ( phase : fetch, test ) --update Force a refresh for all module indexes --update=[ecosystem] Force a refresh for a specific ecosystem module index --/update Skip refreshing all module indexes --/update=[ecosystem] Skip refreshing for a specific ecosystem module index ENV OPTIONS ZEF_[phase]_TIMEOUT See --[phase]-timeout ( phases: FETCH, BUILD, TEST, INSTALL ) ZEF_[phase]_DEGREE See --[phase]-degree ( phases: FETCH, TEST ) VERBOSITY LEVEL (from least to most verbose) --error, --warn, --info (default), --verbose, --debug FLAGS --deps-only Install only the dependency chains of the requested distributions --dry Run all phases except the actual installations --serial Install each dependency after passing testing and before building/testing the next dependency --contained (BETA) Install all transitive and direct dependencies regardless if they are already installed globally --/test Skip the testing phase --/build Skip the building phase --/depends Do not fetch runtime dependencies --/test-depends Do not fetch test dependencies --/build-depends Do not fetch build dependencies FORCE FLAGS Ignore errors occuring during the corresponding phase: --force-resolve --force-fetch --force-extract --force-build --force-test --force-install CONFIGURATION {$CONFIG.IO.absolute} Enable or disable plugins that match the configuration that has field `short-name` that matches -- # `--cpan` Enable plugin with short-name `cpan` --/ # `--/cpan` Disable plugin with short-name `cpan` END_USAGE } proto sub abort(|) {*} multi sub abort(Int $exit-code, Str $str) { samewith($str, $exit-code) } multi sub abort(Str $str, Int $exit-code = 255) { say $str; exit $exit-code } # Filter/mutate out verbosity flags from @*ARGS and return a verbosity level sub preprocess-args-verbosity-mutate(*@_) { my (:@log-level, :@filtered-args) := @_.classify: { $_ ~~ any(<--fatal --error --warn --info -v --verbose --debug --trace>) ?? !! ; } @*ARGS = @filtered-args; do given any(@log-level) { when '--fatal' { FATAL } when '--error' { ERROR } when '--warn' { WARN } when '--info' { INFO } when '--verbose' { VERBOSE } when '-v' { VERBOSE } when '--debug' { DEBUG } when '--trace' { TRACE } default { INFO } } } # Second crack at cli config modification # Currently only uses Bools `--name` and `--/name` to enable and disable a plugin # Note that `name` can match the config plugin key `short-name` or `module` # * Now also removes --config-path $path parameters # TODO: Turn this into a more general getopts sub preprocess-args-config-mutate(*@args) { # get/remove --config-path=xxx # MUTATES @*ARGS my Str $config-path-from-args; for |@args.flatmap(*.split(/\=/, 2)).rotor(2 => -1, :partial) { $config-path-from-args = ~$_[1] if $_[0] eq '--config-path' && $_[1]; LAST { @*ARGS = eager gather for |@args.kv -> $key, $value { take($value) unless $value.starts-with('--config-path') || ($key > 0 && @args[$key - 1] eq '--config-path') } } } my $chosen-config-file = $config-path-from-args // %*ENV // Zef::Config::guess-path(); # Keep track of the original path so we can show it on the --help usage :-/ my $config = do { # The .Str.IO thing is due to a weird rakudo bug I can't figure out . # A bare .IO will complain that its being called on a type Any (not true) my $IO = $chosen-config-file.Str.IO; my %hash = Zef::Config::parse-file($chosen-config-file).hash; class :: { has $.IO; has %.hash handles ; }.new(:%hash, :$IO); } # - Move named options to start of @*ARGS so the git familiar style of options after positionals works # - get/remove --$short-name and --/$short-name where $short-name is a value in the config file my $plugin-lookup := Zef::Config::plugin-lookup($config.hash); for @*ARGS -> $arg { state @positional; state @named; LAST { @*ARGS = flat @named, @positional; } my $arg-as = $arg.subst(/^["--" | "--\/"]/, ''); my $enabled = $arg.starts-with('--/') ?? 0 !! 1; $arg.starts-with('-') ?? $arg-as ~~ any($plugin-lookup.keys) ?? (for |$plugin-lookup{$arg-as} -> $p { $p = $enabled }) !! @named.append($arg) !! @positional.append($arg); } $config; } sub get-client(*%_) { my $client =|%_); my $logger = $client.logger; my $stdout = $logger.Supply.grep({ . <= $verbosity }); my $reporter = $logger.Supply.grep({ (. == TEST && . == AFTER) || (. == ERROR && . == AFTER) || (. == FATAL && . == AFTER) }); $stdout.tap: -> $m { given $m. { when BEFORE { say "===> {$m.}" } when AFTER { say "===> {$m.}" } default { # Prefix output with a name that references its source since # lines may be coming from many sources at once. my $line-prefix = ((.dist??.dist.meta!!Nil) // .as) with $m.; say($line-prefix ?? "[$line-prefix] $_" !! $_) for $m..lines; } } } $reporter.tap: -> $event { $$event, :$logger); }; if %_.defined { my @plugins = $client.recommendation-manager.plugins; if %_ === Bool::False {{ try .auto-update = False }); } elsif %_ === Bool::True {*.?update); } else { @plugins.grep({.short-name ~~ any(%_.grep(*.not))}).map({ try .auto-update = False }); @plugins.grep({.short-name ~~ any(%_.grep(*.so))}).map(*.?update); } } $client; } # maybe its a name, maybe its a spec/path. either way Zef::App methods take a CURs, not strings sub str2cur($target) { my $named-repo = CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name($target); return $named-repo if $named-repo; # first try 'site', then try 'home' if $target eq 'auto' { state $cur = first { .can-install() }, map { CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name($_) }, ; return $cur if $cur; } # Technically a path without any short-id# is a CURFS, but now it needs to be explicitly declared file# # so that the more common case can be used without the prefix (inst#). This only applies when the path # exists, so that short-names (site, home) that don't exist still throw errors instead of creating a directory. my $spec-target = $target ~~ m/^\w+\#.*?[\. | \/]/ ?? $target !! $target.IO.e ?? "inst#{$target}" !! $target; return CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-spec(~$spec-target, :next-repo($*REPO)); } sub path2candidate($path) { as => $path, uri => $path.IO.absolute, dist =>$path), ) } # prints a table with rows and columns. expects a header row. # automatically adjusts column widths, as well as `yada`ing # any characters on a line past $max-width sub print-table(@rows, Int :$wrap) { # this ugly thing is so users can pass in Bool or Int as a MAIN argument my $max-width = ($*OUT.t && $wrap.perl eq 'Bool::False') ?? GET-TERM-COLUMNS() !! $wrap.perl eq 'Bool::True' ?? 0 !! $wrap; # returns formatted row my sub _row2str (@widths, @cells, Int :$max) { my $format ={"%-{$_}s"}).join('|'); my $str = sprintf( $format,{ $_ // '' }) ); return $str unless ?$max && $str.chars > $max; my $cutoff = $str.substr(0, $max || $str.chars); return $cutoff unless $cutoff.chars > 3; return ($cutoff.substr(0,*-3) ~ '...') if $cutoff.substr(*-3,3) ~~ /\S\S\S/; return ($cutoff.substr(0,*-2) ~ '..') if $cutoff.substr(*-2,2) ~~ /\S\S/; return ($cutoff.substr(0,*-1) ~ '.') if $cutoff.substr(*-1,1) ~~ /\S/; return $cutoff; } # Iterate over ([1,2,3],[2,3,4,5],[33,4,3,2]) to find the longest string in each column my sub _get_column_widths ( *@rows ) { return @rows[0] { @rows>>[$_]>>.chars.max } } my @widths = _get_column_widths(@rows); my @fixed-rows = { _row2str(@widths, @$_, :max($max-width)) } if +@fixed-rows { my $width = [+] _get_column_widths(@fixed-rows); my $sep = '-' x $width; say "{$sep}\n{@fixed-rows[0]}\n{$sep}"; .say for @fixed-rows[1..*]; say $sep; } } sub parse-value($str-or-kv) { do given $str-or-kv { when Str { $_ } when Hash { $_.keys[0] } when Pair { $_.key } } } }