use Zef; use Zef::Distribution; use Zef::Distribution::Local; use Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification; use Zef::Repository; use Zef::Utils::FileSystem; use Zef::Fetch; use Zef::Extract; use Zef::Build; use Zef::Test; use Zef::Install; use Zef::Report; class Zef::Client { has $.cache; has $.indexer; has $.fetcher; has $.recommendation-manager; has $.extractor; has $.tester; has $.builder; has $.installer; has $.reporter; has $.config; has $.logger =; has @.exclude; # user supplied has @!ignore; # internal use has Bool $.force-resolve is rw = False; has Bool $.force-fetch is rw = False; has Bool $.force-extract is rw = False; has Bool $.force-build is rw = False; has Bool $.force-test is rw = False; has Bool $.force-install is rw = False; has Int $.fetch-degree is rw = 1; has Int $.test-degree is rw = 1; has Int $.fetch-timeout is rw = 600; has Int $.extract-timeout is rw = 3600; has Int $.build-timeout is rw = 3600; has Int $.test-timeout is rw = 3600; has Int $.install-timeout is rw = 3600; has Bool $.depends is rw = True; has Bool $.build-depends is rw = True; has Bool $.test-depends is rw = True; submethod TWEAK( :$!cache = $!config, :$!fetcher =|$!config)), :$!extractor =|$!config)), :$!builder =|$!config)), :$!installer =|$!config)), :$!tester =|$!config)), :$!reporter =|$!config)), :$!recommendation-manager =$!{ $_ = $!cache; $_ = $!fetcher; $_ }).Slip)), ) { mkdir $!cache unless $!cache.IO.e; @!ignore = \ .map({$_) }); } method find-candidates(Bool :$upgrade, *@identities ($, *@)) { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => RESOLVE, phase => BEFORE, message => "Searching for: {@identities.join(', ')}", }); my @candidates = self!find-candidates(:$upgrade, @identities); for @candidates.classify({.from}).kv -> $from, $found { self.logger.emit({ level => VERBOSE, stage => RESOLVE, phase => AFTER, message => "Found: {$*.dist.identity).join(', ')} [via {$from}]", }) } return @candidates; } method !find-candidates(Bool :$upgrade, *@identities ($, *@)) { my $candidates := $!recommendation-manager.candidates(@identities, :$upgrade)\ .grep(-> $candi { not @!exclude.first({$candi.dist.contains-spec($_)}) })\ .grep(-> $candi { not @!ignore.first({$candi.dist.contains-spec($_)}) })\ .unique(:as(*.dist.identity)); } method find-prereq-candidates(Bool :$skip-installed = True, Bool :$upgrade, *@candis ($, *@)) { my @skip =*.dist); my $prereqs := gather { my @specs = self.list-dependencies(@candis); while @specs.splice -> @specs-batch { self.logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => RESOLVE, phase => BEFORE, message => "Dependencies: {*.name).unique.join(', ')}", }); next unless my @needed = @specs-batch\ # The current set of specs .grep({ not @skip.first(*.contains-spec($_)) })\ # Dists in @skip are not needed .grep(-> $spec { not @!exclude.first({ $_.spec-matcher($spec) }) })\ .grep(-> $spec { not @!ignore.first({ $_.spec-matcher($spec) }) })\ .grep({ $skip-installed ??$_).not !! True }); my @identities =*.identity); self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => RESOLVE, phase => BEFORE, message => "Searching for missing dependencies: {@identities.join(', ')}", }); my @prereq-candidates = self!find-candidates(:$upgrade, @identities); my $not-found := @needed.grep({ not @prereq-candidates.first(*.dist.contains-spec($_)) }).map(*.identity); # The failing part of this should ideally be handled in Zef::CLI I think if +@prereq-candidates == +@needed || $not-found.cache.elems == 0 { for @prereq-candidates.classify({.from}).kv -> $from, $found { self.logger.emit({ level => VERBOSE, stage => RESOLVE, phase => AFTER, message => "Found dependencies: {$*.dist.identity).join(', ')} [via {$from}]", }) } } else { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => RESOLVE, phase => AFTER, message => "Failed to find dependencies: {$not-found.join(', ')}", }); $!force-resolve ?? $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => RESOLVE, phase => LIVE, message => 'Failed to resolve missing dependencies, but continuing with --force-resolve', }) !! die('Failed to resolve some missing dependencies'); }; @skip.append:*.dist); @specs = self.list-dependencies(@prereq-candidates); for @prereq-candidates -> $prereq { $ = True; take $prereq; } } } $prereqs.unique(:as(*.dist.identity)); } method fetch(*@candidates ($, *@)) { my @fetched = self!fetch(@candidates); my @extracted = self!extract(@candidates); my @local-candis = -> $candi { my $dist =$candi.uri); $candi.clone(:$dist); } $!*.dist)); @local-candis; } method !fetch(*@candidates ($, *@)) { my $dispatcher := $*PERL.compiler.version < v2018.08 ?? @candidates !! @candidates.hyper(:batch(1), :degree($!fetch-degree || 5)); my @fetched = $ -> $candi { self.logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => FETCH, phase => BEFORE, message => "Fetching: {$}", }); die "Cannot determine a uri to fetch {$} from. Perhaps it's META6.json is missing an e.g. source-url" unless $candi.uri; my $tmp = $!config.IO.child("{time}.{$*PID}.{(^10000).rand}"); my $stage-at = $tmp.child($candi.uri.IO.basename); die "failed to create directory: {$tmp.absolute}" unless ($tmp.IO.e || mkdir($tmp)); # $candi.uri will always point to where $candi.dist should be copied from. # It could be a file or url; $dist.source-url contains where the source was # originally located but we may want to use a local copy (while retaining # the original source-url for some other purpose like updating) my $save-to = $!fetcher.fetch($candi, $stage-at, :$!logger, :timeout($!fetch-timeout)); my $relpath = $stage-at.relative($tmp); my $extract-to = $!cache.IO.child($relpath); if !$save-to { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => FETCH, phase => AFTER, message => "Fetching [FAIL]: {$candi.dist.?identity // $} from {$candi.uri}", }); $!force-fetch ?? $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => FETCH, phase => LIVE, candi => $candi, message => 'Failed to fetch, but continuing with --force-fetch', }) !! die("Aborting due to fetch failure: {$candi.dist.?identity // $candi.uri} (use --force-fetch to override)"); } else { self.logger.emit({ level => VERBOSE, stage => FETCH, phase => AFTER, message => "Fetching [OK]: {$candi.dist.?identity // $} to $save-to", }); } $candi.uri = $save-to; $candi; }; return @fetched; } method !extract(*@candidates ($, *@)) { my @extracted = eager gather for @candidates -> $candi { self.logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => EXTRACT, phase => BEFORE, message => "Extracting: {$}", }); my $tmp = $candi.uri.parent; my $stage-at = $candi.uri; my $relpath = $stage-at.relative($tmp); my $extract-to = $!cache.IO.child($relpath); die "failed to create directory: {$tmp.absolute}" unless ($tmp.IO.e || mkdir($tmp)); my $meta6-prefix = '' R// $!$candi).sort.first({ .IO.basename eq 'META6.json' }); self.logger.emit({ level => WARN, stage => EXTRACT, phase => BEFORE, message => "Extraction: Failed to find a META6.json file for {$candi.dist.?identity // $} -- failure is likely", }) unless $meta6-prefix; my $extracted-to = $!extractor.extract($candi, $extract-to, :$!logger, :timeout($!extract-timeout)); if !$extracted-to { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => EXTRACT, phase => AFTER, message => "Extraction [FAIL]: {$candi.dist.?identity // $} from {$candi.uri}", }); $!force-extract ?? $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => EXTRACT, phase => LIVE, candi => $candi, message => 'Failed to extract, but continuing with --force-extract', }) !! die("Aborting due to extract failure: {$candi.dist.?identity // $candi.uri} (use --force-extract to override)"); } else { try { delete-paths($tmp) } # Remove this when support can finally be removed if !$meta6-prefix and my $meta-info = $extracted-to.IO.add('') and $meta-info.e { self.logger.emit({ level => WARN, stage => EXTRACT, phase => AFTER, message => "Extraction: Failed to find a META6.json file for {$candi.dist.?identity // $} -- creating it from deprecated file", }); try { $meta-info.copy($meta-info.parent.add('META6.json')) } } self.logger.emit({ level => VERBOSE, stage => EXTRACT, phase => AFTER, message => "Extraction [OK]: {$} to {$extract-to}", }); } $candi.uri = $extracted-to.child($meta6-prefix); take $candi; } } # xxx: needs some love. also an entire specification method build(*@candidates ($, *@)) { my @built = eager gather for @candidates -> $candi { my $dist := $candi.dist; unless $!$dist) { self.logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => BUILD, phase => BEFORE, message => "# SKIP: No need to build {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); take $candi; next(); } $!logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => BUILD, phase => BEFORE, message => "Building: {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); my $result := $!$candi, :includes($candi.dist.metainfo // []), :$!logger, :timeout($!build-timeout)).cache; $ = $result; if $result.grep(*.not).elems { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => BUILD, phase => AFTER, message => "Building [FAIL]: {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); $!force-build ?? $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => BUILD, phase => LIVE, candi => $candi, message => 'Failed to build, but continuing with --force-build', }) !! die("Aborting due to build failure: {$candi.dist.?identity // $candi.uri} (use --force-build to override)"); } else { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => BUILD, phase => AFTER, message => "Building [OK] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); } take $candi; } @built } # xxx: needs some love method test(:@includes, *@candidates ($, *@)) { my $dispatcher := $*PERL.compiler.version < v2018.08 ?? @candidates !! @candidates.hyper(:batch(1), :degree($!test-degree || 1)); my @tested = $ -> $candi { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => TEST, phase => BEFORE, message => "Testing: {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); my $result := $!tester.test($candi, :includes($candi.dist.metainfo // []), :$!logger, :timeout($!test-timeout)).cache; $candi.test-results = $result; if $result.grep(*.not).elems { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => TEST, phase => AFTER, message => "Testing [FAIL]: {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); $!force-test ?? $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => TEST, phase => LIVE, candi => $candi, message => 'Failed to get passing tests, but continuing with --force-test', }) !! die("Aborting due to test failure: {$candi.dist.?identity // $candi.uri} (use --force-test to override)"); } else { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => TEST, phase => AFTER, message => "Testing [OK] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); } $candi; } return @tested } # xxx: needs some love method search(*@identities ($, *@), *%fields, Bool :$strict = False) { $!, :$strict, |%fields); } method uninstall(CompUnit::Repository :@from!, *@identities) { my @specs = {$_) } eager gather for self.list-installed(@from) -> $candi { my $dist = $candi.dist; if @specs.first({ $dist.spec-matcher($_) }) { my $cur = CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-spec("inst#{$candi.from}", :next-repo($*REPO)); $cur.uninstall($dist.compat); take $candi; } } } method install(:@curs, *@candidates ($, *@)) { my @installed = eager gather for @candidates -> $candi { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => INSTALL, phase => BEFORE, message => "Installing: {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); for @curs -> $cur { KEEP self.logger.emit({ level => VERBOSE, stage => INSTALL, phase => AFTER, message => "Install [OK] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); CATCH { when /'already installed'/ { self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => INSTALL, phase => AFTER, message => "Install [SKIP] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}: {$_}", }); } default { self.logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => INSTALL, phase => AFTER, message => "Install [FAIL] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}: {$_}", }); $_.rethrow; } } # Previously we put this through the deprecation CURI.install shim no matter what, # but that doesn't play nicely with relative paths. We want to keep the original meta # paths for newer rakudos so we must avoid using :absolute for the source paths by # using the newer CURI.install if available take $candi if $!installer.install($candi, :$cur, :force($!force-install), :timeout($!install-timeout)); } } return @installed; } # Unlike test/build/install/etc methods, this organizes multiples phases for multiples candidates. # Eventually this will move back to a role/task based method of managing such phase dependencies. method make-install( CompUnit::Repository :@to!, # target CompUnit::Repository Bool :$fetch = True, # try fetching whats missing Bool :$build = True, # run (DEPRECATED..?) Bool :$test = True, # run tests Bool :$dry, # do everything *but* actually install Bool :$upgrade, # NYI Bool :$serial, *@candidates ($, *@), *%_ ) { my @curs = @to.grep: -> $cur { UNDO { self.logger.emit({ level => WARN, stage => INSTALL, phase => BEFORE, message => "CompUnit::Repository install target is not writeable/installable: {$cur}" }); } KEEP { self.logger.emit({ level => TRACE, stage => INSTALL, phase => BEFORE, message => "CompUnit::Repository install target is valid: {$cur}" }); } $cur.?can-install || next(); } die "Need a valid installation target to continue" unless ?$dry || +@curs; # XXX: Each loop block below essentially represents a phase, so they will probably # be moved into their own method/module related directly to their phase. For now # lumping them here allows us to easily move functionality between phases until we # find the perfect balance/structure. die "Must specify something to install" unless +@candidates; # Fetch Stage: # Use the results from searching Repositorys and download/fetch the distributions they point at my @fetched-candidates = eager gather for @candidates -> $store { # Note that this method of not fetching Zef::Distribution::Local means we cannot # show fetching messages that would be fired in self.fetch(|) ( such as the download uri ). # The reason it doesn't just fetch regardless is because it avoids caching local dev dists # ala `zef install .` from polluting the name/auth/api/ver namespace of the local cache. # TODO: Find a solution for the issues noted above which will resolve GH#261 "zef install should tell user where the install was from" take $_ for ($store.dist.^name.contains('Zef::Distribution::Local') || !$fetch) ?? $store !! self.fetch($store, |%_); } die "Failed to fetch any candidates. No reason to proceed" unless +@fetched-candidates; # Filter Stage: # Handle stuff like removing distributions that are already installed, that don't have # an allowable license, etc. It faces the same "fetch an alternative if available on failure" # problem outlined below under `Sort Phase` (a depends on [A, B] where A gets filtered out # below because it has the wrong license means we don't need anything that depends on A but # *do* need to replace those items with things depended on by B [which replaces A]) my @filtered-candidates = @fetched-candidates.grep: -> $candi { my $*error; self.logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => FILTER, phase => BEFORE, message => "Filtering: {$candi.dist.identity}", }); KEEP $!logger.emit({ level => DEBUG, stage => FILTER, phase => AFTER, message => "Filtering [OK] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}", }); UNDO $!logger.emit({ level => ERROR, stage => FILTER, phase => AFTER, message => "Filtering [FAIL] for {$candi.dist.?identity // $}: {$*error}", }); $*error = do given $!config { when ..?chars && any(|.) ~~ any('*', $candi.dist.meta // '') { "License blacklist configuration exists and matches {$candi.dist.meta // 'n/a'} for {$}"; } when ..?chars && any(|.) ~~ none('*', $candi.dist.meta // '') { "License whitelist configuration exists and does not match {$candi.dist.meta // 'n/a'} for {$}"; } } $*error.?chars; } die "All candidates have been filtered out. No reason to proceed" unless +@filtered-candidates; # Sort Phase: # This ideally also handles creating alternate build orders when a `depends` includes # alternative dependencies. Then if the first build order fails it can try to fall back # to the next possible build order. However such functionality may not be useful this late # as at this point we expect to have already fetched/filtered the distributions... so either # we fetch all alternatives (most of which would probably would not use) or do this in a way # that allows us to return to a previous state in our plan (xxx: Zef::Plan is planned) my @sorted-candidates = self.sort-candidates(@filtered-candidates, |%_); die "Something went terribly wrong determining the build order" unless +@sorted-candidates; # Setup(?) Phase: # Attach appropriate metadata so we can do --dry runs using -I/some/dep/path # and can install after we know they pass any required tests my @linked-candidates =; die "Something went terribly wrong linking the distributions" unless +@linked-candidates; my $installer = sub (*@_) { # Build Phase: my @built-candidates = ?$build ?? !! @_; die "No installable candidates remain after `build` failures" unless +@built-candidates; # Test Phase: my @tested-candidates = !$test ?? @built-candidates !! self.test(@built-candidates).grep({ $!force-test || .test-results.grep(!*.so).elems == 0 }); # actually we *do* want to proceed here later so that the Report phase can know about the failed tests/build die "All candidates failed building and/or testing. No reason to proceed" unless +@tested-candidates; # Install Phase: # Ideally `--dry` uses a special unique CompUnit::Repository that is meant to be deleted entirely # and contain only the modules needed for this specific run/plan my @installed-candidates = ?$dry ?? @tested-candidates !! self.install(:@curs, @tested-candidates); # Report phase: # Handle exit codes for various option permutations like --force # Inform user of what was tested/built/installed and what failed # Optionally report to any cpan testers type service ( unless $dry { if*.dist).flatmap(*.scripts.keys).unique -> @bins { my $msg = "\n{+@bins} bin/ script{+@bins>1??'s'!!''}{+@bins??' ['~@bins~']'!!''} installed to:" ~ "\n" ~*.prefix.child('bin')).join("\n"); self.logger.emit({ level => INFO, stage => REPORT, phase => LIVE, message => $msg, }); } } @installed-candidates; } # sub installer my @installed = ?$serial ??{ |$installer($_) }) !! $installer(@linked-candidates); } method list-rev-depends($identity, Bool :$indirect) { my $spec =$identity); my $dist = self.list-available.first(*.dist.contains-spec($spec)).?dist || return []; my $rev-deps := gather for self.list-available -> $candi { my $specs := self.list-dependencies($candi); take $candi if $specs.first({ $dist.contains-spec($_, :strict) }); } $rev-deps.unique(:as(*.dist.identity)); } method list-available(*@recommendation-manager-names) { my $available := $!recommendation-manager.available(@recommendation-manager-names); } # XXX: an idea is to make CURI install locations a Repository as well. then this method # would be grouped into the above `list-available` method method list-installed(*@curis) { my @curs = +@curis ?? @curis !! $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(*.?prefix.?e); my @repo-dirs ={.?prefix // .path-spec.?path}).map(*.IO); #.path-spec.?path is for CUR::Unknown my @dist-dirs =*.child('dist')).grep(*.e); my @dist-files =*.IO.dir.grep(*.IO.f).Slip); my $dists := gather for @dist-files -> $file { if try { |%(from-json($file.IO.slurp)) ) } -> $dist { my $cur = @curs.first: {.prefix eq $file.parent.parent} take :$dist, :from($cur), :uri($file) ); } } } method list-leaves { my @installed = self.list-installed; my @dep-specs = self.list-dependencies(@installed); my $leaves := gather for @installed -> $candi { my $dist := $candi.dist; take $candi unless @dep-specs.first: { $dist.contains-spec($_) } } } method list-dependencies(*@candis, :$from) { my $deps := gather for @candis -> $candi { take $_ for grep *.defined, ($candi.dist.depends-specs if ?$!depends).Slip, ($candi.dist.test-depends-specs if ?$!test-depends).Slip, ($ if ?$!build-depends).Slip; } # if .name is not defined then its invalid but probably a deeply nested # depends hash so just ignore it since it might be valid in the near future. $deps.unique(:as(*.identity)); } method resolve($spec, :@at) { my $candis := self.list-installed(@at).grep(*.dist.contains-spec($spec)); $candis.sort(*.dist.ver).sort(*.dist.api).reverse; } method is-installed($spec, |c) { do given $spec.?from-matcher { when 'bin' { so Zef::Utils::FileSystem::which($ } when 'native' { so self!native-library-is-installed($spec) } default { so self.resolve($spec, |c).so } } } method !native-library-is-installed($spec --> Bool) { use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; my $lib = "'$'"; $lib = "$lib, v$spec.ver()" if $spec.ver; try { EVAL qq[use NativeCall; sub native_library_is_installed is native($lib) \{ !!! \}; native_library_is_installed(); ]; CATCH { default { return False if .payload.starts-with("Cannot locate native library") } } } return True; } method sort-candidates(@candis, *%_) { my @tree; my $visit = sub ($candi, $from? = '') { return if ($candi.dist.metainfo // 0) == 1; if ($candi.dist.metainfo // 0) == 0 { $candi.dist.metainfo = 1; my @deps = |self.list-dependencies($candi); for @deps -> $m { for @candis.grep(*.dist.contains-spec($m)) -> $m2 { $visit($m2, $candi); } } @tree.append($candi); } }; for @candis -> $candi { $visit($candi, 'olaf') if ($candi.dist.metainfo // 0) == 0; } .dist.metainfo = Nil for @tree; return @tree; } # Adds appropriate include (-I / PERL6LIB) paths for dependencies # This should probably be handled by the Candidate class... one day... proto method link-candidates(|) {*} multi method link-candidates(Bool :$recursive! where *.so, *@candidates) { # :recursive # Given Foo::XXX that depends on Bar::YYY that depends on Baz::ZZZ # - Foo::XXX -> -I/Foo/XXX -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ # - Bar::YYY -> -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ # - Baz::ZZZ -> -I/Baz/ZZZ # XXX: Need to change this so it only add indirect dependencies # instead of just recursing the array in order. Otherwise there # can be distributions that are part of a different dependency # chain will end up with some extra includes my @linked =; @ = -> $candi { # can probably use rotor instead of doing the `@a[$index + 1..*]` dance my @direct-includes = $candi.dist.metainfo.grep(*.so); my @recursive-includes = try @linked[(state $i += 1)..*]\ .map(*.dist.metainfo).flatmap(*.flat); my @unique-includes = unique(@direct-includes, @recursive-includes); $candi.dist.metainfo = @unique-includes.grep(*.so); $candi; } } multi method link-candidates(Bool :$inclusive! where *.so, *@candidates) { # :inclusive # Given Foo::XXX that depends on Bar::YYY that depends on Baz::ZZZ # - Foo::XXX -> -I/Foo/XXX -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ # - Bar::YYY -> -I/Foo/XXX -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ # - Baz::ZZZ -> -I/Foo/XXX -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ my @linked =; @ =*.dist.metainfo).flatmap(*.flat).unique; } multi method link-candidates(*@candidates) { # Default # Given Foo::XXX that depends on Bar::YYY that depends on Baz::ZZZ # - Foo::XXX -> -I/Foo/XXX -I/Bar/YYY # - Bar::YYY -> -I/Bar/YYY -I/Baz/ZZZ # - Baz::ZZZ -> -I/Baz/ZZZ @ = -> $candi { my $dist := $candi.dist; my @dep-specs = |self.list-dependencies($candi); # this could probably be done in the topological-sort itself my $includes := eager gather DEPSPEC: for @dep-specs -> $spec { for @candidates -> $fcandi { my $fdist := $fcandi.dist; if $fdist.contains-spec($spec) { take $fdist.IO.absolute; take $_ for |$fdist.metainfo.grep(*.so); next DEPSPEC; } } } $dist.metainfo = $includes.unique.cache; $candi; } } }