use Zef; unit module Zef::Config; our sub parse-file($path) { my %config = %(from-json( $path.IO.slurp )); %config{$_.key} = $_.value.subst(/'{$*HOME}' || '$*HOME'/, $*HOME // $*TMPDIR, :g)\ for %config.grep(*.key.ends-with('Dir')); %config //= 'auto'; # XXX: config upgrade - just remove this in future when no one is looking %config //= %config:delete; %config; } our sub guess-path { my %default-conf; my IO::Path $local-conf-path; my @path-candidates = ( (%*ENV // "$*HOME/.config").IO.child('/zef/config.json'), %?RESOURCES.IO, ); for @path-candidates -> $path { if $path.e { %default-conf = try { parse-file($path) } //; die "Failed to parse the zef config file '$path'" if !%default-conf; $local-conf-path = $path; last; } } die "Failed to find the zef config file at: {@path-candidates.join(', ')}" unless $local-conf-path.defined and $local-conf-path.e; die "Failed to parse a zef config file at $local-conf-path" if !%default-conf; return $local-conf-path; } our sub plugin-lookup($config) { my $lookup; my sub do-lookup($node) { if $node ~~ Hash { for @$node -> $sub-node { if $sub-node.value ~~ Str | Int && $sub-node.key eq any() { $lookup{$sub-node.value}.push($node); next; } do-lookup($sub-node.value); } } elsif $node ~~ Array { do-lookup($_) for $node.cache; } } do-lookup($config); $lookup; }