use Zef; use Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification; use Zef::Utils::SystemQuery; class Zef::Distribution does Distribution is Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification { has $.meta-version; has $.name; has $.auth; has $.author; has $.authority; has $.api; has $.ver; has $.version; has $.description; has $.depends; has %.provides; has %.files; has $.source-url; has $.license; has $.build-depends; has $.test-depends; has @.resources; has; has $.builder; has $.meta; # Holds a copy of the original meta data so we don't lose non-spec meta fields like 'build' # attach arbitrary data, like for topological sort, that won't be saved on install has %.metainfo is rw; method new(*%_) { self.bless(|%_, :meta(%_)) } method TWEAK(--> Nil) { @!resources = @!resources.flatmap(*.flat); } method auth { with $!auth // $!author // $!authority { .Str } else { Nil } } method ver { with $!ver // $!version { $!ver ~~ Version ?? $_ !! $!ver =$_ // 0) } } method api { with $!api { $!api ~~ Version ?? $_ !! $!api =$_ // 0) } } method hash { my %normalized = %( :$!meta-version, :$!name, :$.auth, :$.ver, :$.api, :$!description, :$!depends, :$!build-depends, :$!test-depends, :%!provides, :%!files, :@!resources, :$!license, :%!support, :$!source-url, :$.builder, ); # Add non-spec keys back into the has output ( will do this properly when refactoring Distribution ) %normalized{$_} //= $!meta{$_} for $!meta.hash.keys; %normalized:delete unless %normalized; %normalized:delete unless %normalized; return %normalized; } # make matching dependency names against a dist easier # when sorting the install order from the meta hash method depends-specs { my $deps := $.depends ~~ Hash ?? $.depends.grep(*.defined).grep(*.).map(*.).map(*.Slip) !! $.depends; $deps.grep(*.defined).map({$_)) }).grep(*.name); } method build-depends-specs { gather { for $.build-depends.grep(*.defined) { with$_)) { take $_ if $; } } } } method test-depends-specs { gather for $.test-depends.grep(*.defined) { with$_)) { take $_ if $; } } } # make locating a module that is part of a distribution (ex. URI::Escape of URI) easier. # it doesn't need to be a hash mapping as its just for matching has @!provides-specs; method provides-specs { @!provides-specs := +@!provides-specs ?? @!provides-specs !! @(self.hash).map({ # if $ is not defined then .key (the module name of the current provides) # is not a valid module name (according to Zef::Identity grammar anyway). I ran into # this problem with `NativeCall::Errno` where one of the provides was: `X:NativeCall::Errorno` # The single colon cannot just be fixed to DWIM because that could just as easily denote # an identity part (identity parts are separated by a *single* colon; double colon is left alone) my $spec =!long-name(.key)); next unless defined($; $spec; }).grep(*.defined).Slip; } method provides-spec-matcher($spec, :$strict) { self.provides-specs.first({ ?$_.spec-matcher($spec, :$strict) }) } proto method contains-spec(|) {*} multi method contains-spec(Str $spec, |c) { samewith($spec, |c) ) } multi method contains-spec(Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification $spec, Bool :$strict = True) { so self.spec-matcher($spec, :$strict) || self.provides-spec-matcher($spec, :$strict) } method Str { return self!long-name($!name); } method !long-name($name!) { return sprintf '%s:ver<%s>:auth<%s>:api<%s>', $name, (self.ver // ''), (self.auth // '').trans(['<', '>'] => ['\<', '\>']), (self.api // ''), ; } method id() { use nqp; return nqp::sha1(self.Str); } method WHICH(Zef::Distribution:D:) { "{self.^name}|{self.Str()}" } # For now we will use $dist.compat in spots where we pass to rakudo and there # are Distribution constraints (install and uninstall?). This provides backwards compatibility # until a more robust solution is worked out method compat { (::("Distribution::Hash").new(self.?meta || $.hash, :prefix(self.?IO // $*CWD)) but role { method name { self.meta } method ver { self.meta // self.meta } method auth { self.meta } }); } method meta { $.hash } method content($name-path) { self.compat.content($name-path) } }