use Zef; class Zef::Repository does Pluggable { submethod TWEAK(|) { @ = self.plugins; # preload plugins } method candidates(Bool :$upgrade, *@identities ($, *@)) { # todo: have a `file` identity in Zef::Identity my @searchable = @identities.grep({ not $_.starts-with("." | "/") }); # XXX: Delete this eventually my $dispatchers := $*PERL.compiler.version < v2018.08 ?? self!plugins !! self!plugins.race(:batch(1)); my @unsorted-candis = $ -> $storage { # todo: (cont. from above): Each Repository should just filter this themselves my @search-for = $ eq 'Zef::Repository::LocalCache' ?? @identities !! @searchable; $, :strict).Slip } my @unsorted-grouped-candis = @unsorted-candis.categorize({.dist.meta}).values; # Take the distribution with the highest version out of all matching distributions from each repository my @partially-sorted-candis = -> $candis { my @presorted = $candis.sort(*.dist.api).sort(*.dist.ver); my $api = @presorted.tail.dist.api; my $version = @presorted.tail.dist.ver; # Prefer candidates from Zef::Repository::Local to avoid redownloading cached items my @sorted = @presorted.grep({ .dist.api eq $api }).grep({ .dist.ver eq $version }).sort({ $^a.from eq 'Zef::Repository::LocalCache' }); @sorted.tail; } # Sort the highest distribution versions from each repository. This must be done # before the call to `.unique` later so that unique doesn't remove the higher # versioned distribution based on randomness of @unsorted-candis.categorize({}).values my @sorted-candis = @partially-sorted-candis.sort(*.dist.ver).sort(*.dist.api).reverse; # $ tells us what string was used to request its distribution ($candi.dist) # So this is similar to the .categorize(* filter above, except it # covers when two different repositories have a matching candidate with different # distribution names (likely matching *module* names in provides) my @distinct-requested-as = @sorted-candis.unique(:as(*.as)); return @distinct-requested-as; } method search(:$max-results = 5, Bool :$strict, *@identities ($, *@), *%fields) { return () unless @identities || %fields; # XXX: Delete this eventually my $dispatcher := $*PERL.compiler.version < v2018.08 ?? self!plugins !! self!plugins.race(:batch(1)); my @unsorted-candis = $ -> $storage { $, |%fields, :$max-results, :$strict).Slip } return @unsorted-candis; } method store(*@dists) { for self!plugins.grep(*.^can('store')) -> $storage { $storage.?store(@dists); } } method available(*@plugins) { my @can-available = self!plugins(@plugins).grep: -> $plugin { note "Plugin '{$plugin.short-name}' does not support `.available` -- Skipping" unless $plugin.can('available'); # UNDO doesn't work here yet $plugin.can('available'); } my @available = @can-available.race(:batch(1)).map({ $_.available.Slip }); return @available; } method update(*@plugins) { my @can-update = self!plugins(@plugins).grep: -> $plugin { note "Plugin '{$plugin.short-name}' does not support `.update` -- Skipping" unless $plugin.can('update'); # UNDO doesn't work here yet $plugin.can('update'); } my %updates = @can-update.race(:batch(1)).map({ $ => $_.update.elems }).hash; return %updates; } method !plugins(*@_) { +@_ ?? self.plugins.grep({.short-name ~~ any(@_)}) !! self.plugins } }