use Zef; use Zef::Utils::FileSystem; use Zef::Distribution; use Zef::Distribution::DependencySpecification; class Zef::Repository::Ecosystems does Repository { has $.name; has $.mirrors; has $.auto-update is rw; has $.fetcher; has $.cache; has $.update-counter; has @!dists; method id(--> Str) { $?CLASS.^name.split('+', 2)[0] ~ "<{$!name}>" } method IO(--> IO::Path) { my $dir = $!cache.IO.child($!name); $dir.mkdir unless $dir.e; $dir } method available(--> Seq) { self! -> $dist { dist => $dist, uri => ($dist.source-url || $dist.hash), from =>, as => $dist.identity, ); } } method update { $!update-counter++; $!mirrors.first: -> $uri { # TODO: use the logger to send these as events note "===> Updating $!name mirror: $uri"; UNDO note "!!!> Failed to update $!name mirror: $uri"; KEEP note "===> Updated $!name mirror: $uri"; KEEP self!gather-dists; my $save-as = $!cache.IO.child($uri.IO.basename); my $saved-as = try { CATCH { default { .note; } } $!fetcher.fetch($uri), $save-as, :timeout(180)); } next unless $saved-as.?chars && $saved-as.IO.e; # this is kinda odd, but if $path is a file, then its fetching via http from # and if its a directory its pulling from my ecosystems repo (this hides the difference for now) $saved-as .= child("{$!name}.json") if $saved-as.d; next unless $saved-as.e; lock-file-protect("{$saved-as}.lock", -> { self!spurt-package-list($saved-as.slurp(:bin)) }); } self!gather-dists; } # todo: handle %fields # todo: search for up to $max-results number of candidates for each *dist* (currently only 1 candidate per identity) method search(:$max-results = 5, Bool :$strict, *@identities, *%fields) { return ().Seq unless @identities || %fields; my %specs = { $_ =>$_) } my @searchable-identities = %specs.classify({ .value.from-matcher }).grep(*.defined).hash.keys; return ().Seq unless @searchable-identities; # XXX: Delete this eventually my $dispatchers := $*PERL.compiler.version < v2018.08 ?? self!gather-dists !! self!gather-dists.race; my @matches = $ -> $dist { @searchable-identities.grep({ $dist.contains-spec(%specs{$_}, :$strict) }).map({ dist => $dist, uri => ($dist.source-url || $dist.hash), as => $_, from =>, ); }).Slip } return @matches; } method !package-list-path(--> IO::Path) { self.IO.child($!name ~ '.json') } method !slurp-package-list(--> List) { return [ ] unless self!package-list-path.e; do given self! { LEAVE {.close} .lock: :shared; try |from-json(.slurp); } } method !spurt-package-list($content --> Bool) { do given self! { LEAVE {.close} .lock; try .spurt($content); } } method !is-package-list-stale { return !self!package-list-path.e || ($!auto-update && self!package-list-path.modified < now.DateTime.earlier(:hours($!auto-update)).Instant); } # Abstraction to handle automatic updating of package list and/or local index method !gather-dists(--> List) { self.update if !$!update-counter && self!is-package-list-stale; return @!dists if +@!dists; @!dists = eager gather for self!slurp-package-list -> $meta { take($_) with try|%($meta)); } } }