use Zef; class Zef::Service::Shell::LegacyBuild does Builder does Messenger { method !guess-build-file(IO() $prefix) { .map({ $prefix.child($_) }).first({ $_.e }) } method build-matcher($dist) { so self!guess-build-file($dist.path) } method probe { True } # todo: write a real hooking implementation to CU::R::I # this is a giant ball of shit btw, but required for # all the existing distributions using method build($dist, :@includes) { die "path does not exist: {$dist.path}" unless $dist.path.IO.e; # make sure to use -Ilib instead of -I. or else Linenoise's will trigger a strange precomp error my $build-file = self!guess-build-file($dist.path).absolute; my $cmd = "require '$build-file'; ::('Build')'$dist.path.IO.absolute()') ?? exit(0) !! exit(1);"; my @exec = |($*EXECUTABLE.absolute, |@includes.grep(*.defined).map({ "-I{$_}" }), '-e', "$cmd"); $.stdout.emit("Command: {@exec.join(' ')}"); my $ENV := %*ENV; my $passed; react { my $proc = zrun-async(@exec); whenever $proc.stdout.lines { $.stdout.emit($_) } whenever $proc.stderr.lines { $.stderr.emit($_) } whenever $proc.start(:$ENV, :cwd($dist.path)) { $passed = $ } } return $passed; } }